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Getgrass Bot (2.x client version)

A bot for,which can automatically claim rewards(2x) for you.



I am not responsible for any loss or damage caused by this bot. Use it at your own risk. 我不对该机器人造成的任何损失或损害负责。使用风险自负。


The getgrass-bot can be run using Docker or manually.

Get your user ID

you can obtain your user ID from the Getgrass website:

  • Visit
  • Open the browser's developer tools (usually by pressing F12 or right-clicking and selecting "Inspect").
  • Go to the "Console" tab.
  • Paste the following command and press Enter:
const appUserIdKey = Object.keys(localStorage).find(key => key.endsWith('.appUserId'));
if (appUserIdKey) {
  const appUserId = localStorage.getItem(appUserIdKey);
  console.log("appUserId:", appUserId);
  • Copy the value returned, which is your user ID.

Prepare proxies

You can buy proxies from ProxyCheap or any other proxy provider.

Running the Bot with Docker

  1. Create a text file named proxies.txt with the desired proxy URLs. Ensure each URL is in the format:
// or

Note: You can use HTTP or SOCKS5 proxies, and you can config with multiple proxies in the proxies.txt file (one proxy per line).

  1. Run the getgrass-bot using Docker:
docker run -d -v $(pwd)/proxies.txt:/app/proxies.txt -e USER_ID="your-user-id" overtrue/getgrass-bot

Manual Installation

You need to have Node.js installed on your machine to run the bot manually.

  1. Git clone this repository to your local machine.
git clone [email protected]:web3bothub/getgrass-bot.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory.
cd getgrass-bot
  1. Create the proxies.txt file with the desired proxy URLs. Ensure each URL is in the format:
// or

Note: You can use HTTP or SOCKS5 proxies, You can config with multiple proxies in the proxies.txt file (one proxy per line).

  1. Run the getgrass-bot by executing the following command:
USER_ID="your-user-id" node start.js
  1. If you want to run the bot in the background, you can use the pm2 package:
npm install -g pm2
USER_ID="your-user-id" pm2 start start.js


  • Run this bot, I don't guarantee you will get the reward, it depends on the Getgrass website.
  • You can just run this bot at your own risk, I'm not responsible for any loss or damage caused by this bot. This bot is for educational purposes only.


Feel free to contribute to this project by creating a pull request.

Support Me

if you want to support me, you can donate to my address:

  • ERC20: 0xa2f5b8d9689d20d452c5340745a9a2c0104c40de
  • SOLANA: HCbbrqD9Xvfqx7nWjNPaejYDtXFp4iY8PT7F4i8PpE5K
  • TON: UQBD-ms1jA9cmoo8O39BXI6jqh8zwRSoBMUAl4yjEPKD6ata