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YakSwap is a set of smart contracts for optimal path finding between two assets and execution of that path. For input&output token and input-amount optimal path should have a greatest net amount-out by considering execution gas-cost.

Search is performed by calling on-chain query-methods and can be called by anyone. However, user should avoid calling query-methods in a mutative call due to a very large gas-cost associated with a call.



YakRouter is the user-facing interface to check prices and make trades. See example off-chain usage here.

Chain Address
Avalanche 0xC4729E56b831d74bBc18797e0e17A295fA77488c
Arbitrum 0xb32C79a25291265eF240Eb32E9faBbc6DcEE3cE3
Optimism 0xCd887F78c77b36B0b541E77AfD6F91C0253182A2


Finds the best path from tokenA to tokenB. Considers path's amount-out and its gas-cost.

function findBestPathWithGas(
    uint256 _amountIn,
    address _tokenIn,
    address _tokenOut,
    uint256 _maxSteps,
    uint256 _gasPrice
) external view returns (FormattedOffer memory);
Input params Details
amountIn Amount of tokens being sold
tokenIn ERC20 token being sold
tokenOut ERC20 token being bought
steps Max number of steps for path finding (must be less than 4)
gasPrice Gas price in gwei that will be used to estimate gasCost of each step
struct FormattedOffer {
    uint256[] amounts;
    address[] adapters;
    address[] path;
    uint256 gasEstimate;
Return arg Details
amounts Amount of token being swapped for each step. First amount is _amountIn and last amountOut.
adapters Addresses of adapters through which trade goes.
path Addresses of tokens through which trade goes. First token is _tokenIn and last _tokenOut.
gasEstimate Rough estimate for gas-cost of all swaps. Gas estimates only include gas-cost of swapping and querying on adapter and not intermediate logic, nor tx-gas-cost.


Executes trades through provided path.

function swapNoSplit(
    Trade calldata _trade,
    address _to,
    uint256 _fee
) external;
Input param Details
_trade Arguments used for swapping
_to Reciever address
_fee Optional fee in bps taken before the trades
struct Trade {
    uint256 amountIn;
    uint256 amountOut;
    address[] path;
    address[] adapters;
Param Details
amountIn Amount of tokens being sold
amountOut Amount of tokens being bought
path Tokens being traded in respective order
adapters Adapters through which tokens will be traded in respective order


Adapters act as a common interface for YakRouter to interact with external contracts.

Adapters offers methods: query and swap.

function query(
    uint256 _amountIn,
    address _tokenIn,
    address _tokenOut
) external view returns (uint256);

function swap(
    uint256 _amountIn,
    uint256 _amountOut,
    address _fromToken,
    address _toToken,
    address _to
) external;

After setting up this repo call npx hardhat list-adapters --network {network-id} to get a list of live adapters and their addresses. Or see deployOptions for a list of live adapters per chain.

Local Development and testing

Install Dependencies

yarn install

Set Environmental Variables

cp .env.sample > .env



Test for chain:

yarn test:{network-id}

Test individual:

npx hardhat test {path to the test/tests | empty to run all}


yarn deploy:{network-id}


npx hardhat verify-contract --deployment-file-path {path to deployment file} --network {your network tag}


npx hardhat find-best-path {fixed-amount-in} {token-in symbol/address} {token-in symbol/address}  --network {network tag}


npx hardhat find-best-path 1000 USDC yyAVAX  --network avalanche


  • Static-Quoters used in KyberElastic, UniswapV3 and Quickswap adapters are published here.

Project is licensed under GPL-3, although some parts of it might be less restrictive. Copyright© 2021


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