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Weitblick Website

The new Weitblick website is Django, and Python based. The search engine we use is called Elasticsearch, which is Java based. Downloading this code you can run and test the website with default content on you computer.


If you have Docker installed, you can just run:

        docker-compose up

It will install, build and run everything for you. For more info see the Docker Documentation. Changes in the wbcore folder will be avaliable instantly, other changes will require a rebuild of the container using the --build flag when starting. Otherwise, follow the following steps to set up everything natively.

Required Software & Tools: Python 3, Java 8, Tidy, cairo and Elastic Search 2.

Buildtools for Visual Studio 2019

Only necessary for Windows installation. Consider using Chocolatey.

Install python

Download Python 3.6.8 from the python website or using a package manager. For example using Chocolatey for Windows.

Install pip

  curl -o

and then run:


Install pipenv

  • for Linux: sudo -H pip install pipenv,
  • for Windows run as Administrator: pip install pipenv

Install project dependencies

Go to the project root folder. To install the requirements type:

  pipenv install -r requirements.txt --three`

This can take a while. After that you are good to go.

Install Java

Install Java 8 and be sure to set JAVA_HOME.

Install Elastic Search

Install Elastic Search 2. You can download it here and unzip it.

Install cairo

For windows users an easy way is the installation of GTK2 as it contains cairo. E.g. follow point 2. here

Running the server for the first time

Elastic Search

Start Elastic Search.

On unix run :


or on windows:


Build index

Enter the virtual environment. This is required for all following steps.

  pipenv shell

Use the django module command to build the search index:

  python rebuild_index

Accept with y or add a --noinput to the rebuild command.

This search index should be updated later when adding content, for example by using a cron job running:

  python update_index

Setup Database

Database migration and loading data can be achieved running the script

Database Migration

  python makemigrations wbcore
  python migrate

Set up locale

Enable support for german

sudo locale-gen de_DE
sudo update-locale

Loading Data

  python loaddata data/address.json
  python loaddata data/locations.json
  python loaddata data/hosts.json
  python loaddata data/images.json
  python loaddata data/news.json
  python loaddata data/blog.json
  python loaddata data/partners.json
  python loaddata data/projects.json

Create a SuperUser for Admin Interface

  python3 createsuperuser

Start Server

Next we run the django server:

  python runserver

Now if everything worked, you can access the website on http://localhost:8000

Configure Microsoft Login

To enable the login via Microsoft OAuth2 with the official Weitblick intranet accounts visit this site and set the domain name to localhost:8000.

Django translations

To update the translations do the following inside the wbcore directory

django-admin makemessages
django-admin makemessages -d djangojs

For the first time you may have to run django-admin makemessages -l de or similar for each language. Fill the translation for newly added translated stings to wbcore/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/django.po and .../djangojs.po. Finally compile the messeges

django-admin compilemessages

FAE (Frequently Appearing Errors)

  • no such table when database is empty: Run Database Migration