This is the repository of my personal Portfolio, with the aim of making something that is not just a static portfolio, but that can however be changed via the API.
A SPA front-end made with the Angular framework version 16, chosen by best compatibility with the NGX-Translate translation library, following a small pre-defined component structure and Styled Components technique.
NGX-Translate, Swiper@8, AOS, Remix Icon, Flag-Icons, DEVICON
- --primary-color-light: #b421ce;
- --primary-color: #8e24aa;
- --primary-color-dark: #6a1b9a;
- --bkg-color: #f5f5f5 | #212121;
- --text-color: #000 | #fff;
- --btn-color: --primary-color;
- --btn-text-color: #fff;
- --modal-color: #FFFFFFBF | #000000BF;
- AppComponent:
- HeaderComponent:
- Logo:
- TipewriterComponent
- Nav:
- CheckButtonComponent
- Logo:
- HomeComponent:
- HeroText
- HeroImage:
- ProfileImageComponent
- ResumeButtonComponent:
- GlowButtonComponent
- SocialComponent:
- SocialLinks
- SocialEmail
- AboutComponent:
- AboutDesc
- SkillsIcons
- ProjectsComponent:
- SwipeContainer:
- CardComponent
- SwipeContainer:
- ContactComponent:
- ContactInfo
- FormComponent
- StateButtonComponent
- ReturnButtonComponent
- FooterComponent
- Copyuser
- GithubStarComponent
- HeaderComponent:
This is an API developed in NestJS with two main endpoints: 'Page Content' (GET method only), 'Email Form' (POST method only) to feed the frontend and some other endpoints developed to populate the 'Page Content' main endpoint, in addition, 'Page Content' uses MongoDB as the main database and a memory cache. The 'Email Form' does not use a bank, it just sends the POST directly to the application's email via SMTP.
NestJS@10, PostgreSQL, Redis, Docker
Swagger, NodeMailer, TypeORM, Cache-Manager
Social *-- SocialLink
About *-- Skill
Contact --> Github
class HomeImage {
String url
String altEn
String altPt
class Social {
List~SocialLink~ links
String email
class SocialLink {
uuid id
String name
String url
class About {
String descEn
String descPt
List~Skill~ skills
class Skill {
uuid id
String techName
String altEn
String altPt
class Project {
uuid id
String title
String repoUrl
String webUrl
String apiUrl
String imageUrl
String descEn
String descPt
class Certificate {
uuid id
String title
String webUrl
String imageUrl
String descEn
String descPt
class Contact {
String mobile
String waEN
String waPT
String resumeURL
Github github
class Github {
String username
String repoName
String url
String token
note for Form "POST method only"
class Form {
String firstName
String lastName
String email
String message
"home_image": {
"url": "",
"alt_en": "",
"alt_pt": ""
"social": {
"links": [
"id": "uuid",
"name": "",
"url": ""
"email": ""
"about": {
"desc_en": "",
"desc_pt": "",
"skills": [
"id": "uuid",
"tech_name": "",
"alt_en": "",
"alt_pt": ""
"projects": [
"id": "uuid",
"title": "",
"repo_url": "",
"web_url": "",
"api_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"desc_en": "",
"desc_pt": ""
"certificates": [
"id": "uuid",
"title": "",
"web_url": "",
"image_url": "",
"desc_en": "",
"desc_pt": ""
"contact": {
"mobile": "",
"wa_en": "",
"wa_pt": "",
"resume_url": "",
"github": {
"username": "",
"repo_name": "",
"url": "",
"token": ""
"form": {
"first_name": "",
"last_name": "",
"email": "",
"message": ""
- Node.js version 18.19 or higher (Check your version:
node -v
- Front-end:
cd front
npm install
ng serve
- Back-end:
cd back
npm install
nest start
That's it! Now you can access the app:
- Front-end:
- Back-end:
This project is MIT licensed.