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Zero-based configuration builder for frontend integration projects.


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Zero-based configuration builder for frontend integration project, made for those you want:

  • a builder made for static website, working out-of-the-box with no config needed
  • control over the source, the compilation and the destination, unlike Webpack
  • extendable low-level vanilla tasks instead of the Gulp stream-thing
  • preconfigured well-known libs such as sass, babel, parcel or twig
  • no black magic


npm install @wide/forge --save-dev



Global commands

  • start server and watch changes: forge serve --open
  • build project for production: forge build --production

Specific commands

  • clear dist folder: forge nuke
  • compile specific assets: forge compile sass js
  • copy static assets to dist: forge copy

Minimal folder structure

Forge needs a specific folder structure in order to work without configuration:


will be compiled into:



  • source files: /src/**.twig
  • destination: /dist/**.html
  • compiled using twig

Path config

To changethe path config config, create/edit the .forgerc.js file at the root of your project:

module.exports = {

  // override twig path config
  twig: {

    // files to watch in /src, will trigger the compilation when changed
    observe: '**/*.{twig,html}', // watch src/index.twig and src/foo/bar.twig

    // in src/, files to compile, should be pages only
    entries: [
      '**.twig',      // build all twig into html (root = pages)

    // do not compile twig file in layouts/ nor components/
    exclude: [

    // in dist/, subfolder to generate HTML files into
    // ex: pages ->  dist/pages/index.html
    output: '', // no subfolder -> dist/index.html

    // if true, build all file at dist level only
    // ex: src/foo/bar.twig -> dist/bar.twig (foo subfolder is ignored)
    flatten: false,

    // commands to execute around the compilation
    hooks: {

      // run before the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      before(target, compiled) {},

      // run after the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      after(target, compiled) {}

Twig config

To edit the config of twig itself, create a .twigrc.js file at the root of your project, it accepts the following props:

module.exports = {

  // alias of path, see
  namespace: {
    'foo': 'src/foo' // {% include 'foo::index.twig' %} => {% include '/src/foo/index.twig' %}

  // global data injected in all templates
  data: {
    foo: 'bar' // {{ foo }}

  // custom functions, see
  functions: {
    foo() {} // {% foo() %}

  // custom filters, see
  filters: {
    foo() {} // {% myvar | foo %}

  // post-process middlewares
  postprocess: {
    beautify: true, // built-in post-process
    foo(html) {     // custom post-process
      return doSomething(html)


  • postprocess: Forge comes with a set of post-process to enhance the quality of the generated HTML:
    • beautify: use js-beautify to format the whole page, accepts these values:
      • false disable the post-process
      • true enable the post-process (default)
      • {} enable and pass custom config


  • source files: /src/assets/**/*.{sass,scss}
  • destination: /dist/assets/*.css and /dist/assets/*
  • compiled using sass

Path config

To change the path config, create a .forgerc.js file at the root of your project with a sass prop:

module.exports = {
  sass: {

    // files to watch in /src, will trigger the compilation when changed
    observe: '**/*.{scss,sass}',

    // in src/, files to compile, must be root level only
    entries: [

    // in dist/, subfolder to generate CSS files into
    output: 'assets/', // -> dist/assets/main.css

    // if true, build all file at dist level only
    // ex: src/assets/foo/bar.scss -> dist/assets/bar.css (foo subfolder is ignored)
    flatten: false,

    // commands to execute around the compilation
    hooks: {

      // run before the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      before(target, compiled) {},

      // run after the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      after(target, compiled) {}

SASS config

To edit the config of sass itself, create a .sassrc.js file at the root of your project, it accepts the following props:

module.exports = {

  // path to look-up
  includePaths: [],

  // enable of disable minification, see

  // post-process middlewares
  postprocess: {
    autoprefixer: false, // built-in post-process
    foo(css) {           // custom post-process
      return doSomething(css)

  // ... and all others props described here:


  • includePaths includes node_modules/ by default
  • outputStyle is compressed on PRODUCTION by default
  • postprocess: Forge comes with a set of post-process to enhance the quality of the generated CSS
    • autoprefixer: use autoprefixer to add browser-specific prefixes:
      • false disable the post-process
      • true enable the post-process (default)
      • {} enable and pass custom config, see official doc


  • source files: /src/assets/**/*.js
  • destination: /dist/assets/*.js and /dist/assets/*
  • compiled using parcel

Path config

To change the path config, create a .forgerc.js file at the root of your project with a js prop:

module.exports = {
  js: {

    // files to watch in /src, will trigger the compilation when changed
    observe: '**/*.js',

    // in src/, files to compile
    entries: [
      'assets/js/*.js', // build all root level files

    // exclude polyfills from compilation
    exclude: [

    // in dist/, subfolder to generate JS files into
    output: 'assets/', // -> dist/assets/main.js

    // if true, build all file at dist level only
    // ex: src/assets/foo/bar.js -> dist/assets/bar.js (foo subfolder is ignored)
    flatten: false,

    // commands to execute around the compilation
    hooks: {

      // run before the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      before(target, compiled) {},

      // run after the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      after(target, compiled) {}

Parcel config

To edit the config of parcel itself, create a .parcelrc.js file at the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  // all props described here:


  • outDir and outFile are reserved, do not change
  • watch, cache, contentHash and autoinstall must remain false
  • minify is true on PRODUCTION by default
  • this file is for advanced users, don't mess up :D

Babel config

Parcel is using babel to transpile ES standards, to edit the config of babel, create a .babelrc.js file at the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  // all props described here:

SVG Sprite

  • source files: /src/assets/icons/*.svg
  • destination: /dist/assets/sprite.svg
  • compiled using svg-sprite

Path config

To change the path config, create a .forgerc.js file at the root of your project with a svg prop:

module.exports = {
  svg: {

    // in /src, files to watch, will trigger the compilation when changed
    observe: '**/*.svg',

    // in src/, files to compile, must be root level only
    entries: [

    // in dist/, subfolder to generate the sprite file into
    output: 'assets/',

    // commands to execute around the compilation
    hooks: {

      // run before the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      before(target, compiled) {},

      // run after the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      after(target, compiled) {}

SVG-Sprite config

To edit the config of svg-sprite itself, create a .svgrc.js file at the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  // all props described here:


  • dest is reserved, do not change
  • mode.symbol.sprite is sprite.svg by default
  • mode.exemple is false on PRODUCTION by default


  • source files: /src/assets/favicon.png
  • destination: /dist/assets/favicons
  • compiled using favicons

Path config

To change the path config, create a .forgerc.js file at the root of your project with a favicons prop:

module.exports = {
  favicons: {

    // in /src, files to watch, will trigger the compilation when changed
    observe: 'assets/favicon.png',

    // in src/, file to compile, must be root level only
    entries: 'assets/favicons.png',

    // in dist/, subfolder to generate the sprite file into
    output: 'assets/favicons/',

    // commands to execute around the compilation
    hooks: {

      // run before the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      before(target, compiled) {},

      // run after the compilation, can be a string "npm run something"
      // or a function receiving the current target and the compiled files
      after(target, compiled) {}

Favicons config

To edit the config of favicons itself, create a .faviconsrc.js file at the root of your project:

module.exports = {
  // all props described here:

Other assets

For all others assets (images, documents...), Forge simply copy them into the dist/ folder.

  • source files: /src/assets/**
  • destination: /dist/assets/**

Path config

To change the path config, create a .forgerc.js file at the root of your project with a copy prop:

module.exports = {
  copy: {

    // in src/, files to copy
    entries: [

    // ignore to-be-compiled assets
    exclude: [

Advanced usage

Add a compiler

To add a new asset compiler, like Handlebars, follow this exemple:


  // add a new hbs compiler
  compilers: {
     * Compile handlebars templates
     * @param {Object} ctx
     * @param {Array}  ctx.files to compile into HTML
     * @param {String} ctx.base relative path from wildcard (ex: templates/pages/**.hbs -> templates/pages/foo/bar.hbs -> foo/)
     * @param {String} ctx.dest folder (output + hbs.output -> dist/) 
     * @return {Array<Object>} the list of generated files with their octal size [{ filename, size }]
    hbs({ files, base, dest }) {
      return [{
        filename: 'compiled-file.html',
        size: 1024


  // rewrite targets to replace twig with hbs
  targets: ['hbs', 'scss', 'js', 'svg'],

  // define hbs target config
  hbs: {
    observe: '**/*.{hbs,html}',
    entries: [
    exclude: [
    output: ''

Add a command

To add a command not related to compilation, follow this exemple:

  commands: {
    sayhello(argv) {
      console.log('Hello', ...argv._)

Then the command is available using:

forge sayhello you # Hello you



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the licence file for details