This is a converter from MARCXML to Records in Contexts (RiC).
The mapping is done in the following steps:
- Download some MARCXML files, eg. from
- Put them into the input-folder.
- Open a terminal and start the conversion with
- The XML files are converted to RDF and stored as TTL files in output.
For the definition the mapping from MARCXML to RiC, RDF Mapping language (RML) is used. Writing RML is made easy with Zazuko XRM. XRM is a great help for creating, adapting or refactoring RML-mappings.
This converter was originally developed for MARCXML coming from Patrinum, but thanks to XRM it can be easily adapted and used for other MARCXML-data sources if needed.
The processing itself is done with CARML as RML engine.
The converter was developed in 2021/2022 as part of a SWITCH Innovation Lab. The goal was to map metadata from Patrinum to the Connectome ecosystem.