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Chrome File Directory
Chrome File Directory

The basic Chrome file directory page, as a simple HTML page.

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Key Features

  • Basic file directory view.
  • Name, type, size and upload date.
  • Folder and file links.
  • Icons for folders and files.
  • Compatible with all web servers and websites.
  • Includes an automatically generated file listing.
  • Cross platform.


You can download the source code to modify the code and create your own file directory page.

You can also access the production version the website, available on all platforms, here.

How To Use

To clone and run this website, you'll need Git installed on your computer. If you would rather not use Git, you can just download the code from GitHub above. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd Chrome-File-Directory

# Run the webpage
$ index.html

You can also pull the Docker image from GitHub Packages. From your command line:

# Pull image
$ docker pull

# Run container
$ docker run -d -p 8000:80

# Now, navigate to localhost in your browser to see the webpage

However, to make this your own directory, either use the index_chromium.html file to create a self generating directory - or use the index.html file to create a custom directory listing with custom links.


  1. If you would rather have the styling for the page in its own separate location, copy the style.css file to that location and link it in the top of the index.html file. More instructions can be found in CUSTOMIZATION.

  2. Line 69: Update the example placeholder text between the <title> tags with the actual directory name. This will be the title of the webpage.

<title id="title">Index of example</title>
  1. Line 73: Update the :\directory placeholder text between the <h1> tags with the actual directory path. This will be the title displayed on the page.
<h1 id="header">Index of :\directory</h1>
  1. Line 74: If this is a directory inside of another directory, remove the style="display:none" placeholder in the div tag.
<div id="parentDirLinkBox" style="display:none"></div>
  1. Line 75: If this is a directory inside of another directory, change the up/level placeholder in the href="..." tag with the actual link to the folder above.
<a id="parentDirLink" href="up/level" class="icon up"></a>
  1. When you have customized the title, and added folder and file listings following the tutorials below, save the files and upload them to your web server.
  2. You're all set!

For a Folder

  <td data-value="Folder">
    <a class="icon dir" href="link/to/folder">Folder</a>
  <td class="detailsColumn" data-value="0"></td>
  <td class="detailsColumn">MM/DD/YY, HH:MM:SS PM</td>
  • Replace the "Folder" placeholder value (between the data-value="..." tag) with the real name of the folder.
  • Replace the "link/to/folder" link (between the href="..." tag) with the actual link to the folder.
  • Replace the Folder placeholder name (between the <a>...</a> tag) with the real name of the folder.
  • Replace the MM/DD/YY, HH:MM:SS PM placeholder date with the date the folder was uploaded.
  • Add more of these rows as necessary.

For a File

  <td data-value="File">
    <a class="icon file" draggable="true" href="link/to/file">File.txt</a>
  <td class="detailsColumn">File</td>
  <td class="detailsColumn">0.00 MB</td>
  <td class="detailsColumn">MM/DD/YY, HH:MM:SS PM</td>
  • Replace the "File" placeholder value (between the data-value="..." tag) with the real name of the file.
  • Replace the "link/to/file" link (between the href="..." tag) with the actual link to the file.
  • Replace the File.txt placeholder name (between the <a>...</a> tag) with the real name and extension of the file.
  • Replace the File placeholder text with the actual file type.
  • Replace the 0.00 MB placeholder size with the real size of the file.
  • Replace the MM/DD/YY, HH:MM:SS PM placeholder date with the date and time the file was uploaded.
  • Add more of these rows as necessary.


Further customization options for different types of files and folder structures can be found in CUSTOMIZATION. More documentation is available in the Documentation and on the Wiki. If more support is required, please open a GitHub Discussion or join our Discord.


Please contribute using GitHub Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request.

Please read CONTRIBUTING for details on our CODE OF CONDUCT, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.


See the CHANGELOG file for details.


This software uses the following open source packages, projects, services or websites:

GitHub W3C W3Schools Chrome
GitHub W3C W3Schools Chromium
Web - Plans Web - Donate Web - Pro Web


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The website code in this repository is created by the Chromium Development Team and maintained by Google. The browser is released under the BSD 3-Clause License, and this project follows those licensing guidelines.

This project is licensed under the BSD 2-Clause “Simplified” License - see the LICENSE file for details. See the Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for legal information.