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Voice SDK for Unreal Engine

The Voice SDK enables you to bring voice interactions to your app experiences. Use the Voice SDK to enhance the AR/VR experience with more natural and flexible ways for people to interact with the app. For example, voice commands can shortcut controller actions with a single phrase, or interactive conversation can make the app more engaging.

To learn more about the Voice SDK visit the Oculus Developer docs and read through the Voice SDK Overview

Last but not the least, please see what voice enabled experiences that developers have been building with Voice SDK for more inspiration, Video and we are so pleased to invite you to watch Unreal Voice SDK on Meta Connect 2022. Video


  1. Voice Command with free ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) and NLU (Natural Language Understanding)
  2. TTS (Text to speech)
  3. Dictation
  4. High quality voice experience with low latency, with real-time transcription

Getting Started

1. Installation

Option 1 (Voice SDK enabled project template) πŸ’Ž Recommended πŸ’Ž

  1. Download the Voice SDK enabled project template from here.

  2. Unzip it and copy to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_[version]\Templates.

  3. Create a new project as normal but select Game>"Voice SDK enabled".

    "Project template"

Option 2 (1-Click Installation) πŸ’Ž Recommended πŸ’Ž

Note: git is needed.

  1. Create a new Unreal project(or open your existing Unreal project).

  2. Download the 1-click script from here and put it into your Unreal project folder and execute the script.

    "1-click script"

Option 3 (Unreal Marketplace)

  1. Install the plugin from Marketplace.
  2. Create a new Unreal project(or open your existing Unreal project).
  3. Enable the Plugin.
    • Open your game with Unreal Editor.
    • Settings-> Plugins-> Installed -> Voice -> VoiceSDK.
    • Tick the checkbox to enable the plugin (Editor restart is needed).
  4. Add the lines below to your game's Config/DefaultEngine.ini:
  1. Save and restart Unreal Editor.


Option 4 (Manual Installation)

  1. Create a new Unreal project(or use your existing Unreal project).
  2. Grab the latest release zip from Releases
  3. Extract the zip in your game's Plugins directory.
  4. Add the lines below to your game's Config/DefaultEngine.ini:

2. Creating an app on

Voice SDK is powered by the Natural Language Understanding (NLU) service, Please follow this quick start guide to create a new Wit app.

3. Setting up your Wit Configuration file in Unreal

  • In, go to Management > Settings and copy the Server Access Token.
  • In Unreal Editor go to Menu-> Oculus-> Configuration Editor-> Input a Config file name, paste the copied Server Access Token and-> Click Create

4. Sample Game

If you have done the above steps, Congratulations! You have VoiceSDK integrated with your game! You can now start to build voice experiences into your game. But we highly recommend you checkout our sample project first. It demonstrates all Voice SDK features and best practices.


Marketplace Voice SDK v47.0.3 doesn't have Presets to run TTS

The TTS Speaker won't work without Presets. However since Marketplace doesn't allow plugins to contain content you will need to download the additional content from here.



The license for voicesdk-unreal can be found in LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

You can also find the applicable Oculus License here:

The MIT license applies to only certain, clearly marked documents. If an individual file does not indicate which license it is subject to, then the Oculus License applies.

Terms of Use

Our terms of use can be found at

Use of services fall under the terms of use of found here:

Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy can be found at

The privacy policy for the service can be found at

Please see the Voice SDK Overview for additional applicable terms and policies.