Docker Desktop licencing changed and some organisations need to buy licence to run Docker Desktop, to do it you must invite members to Docker Hub where licencing is managed for Teams Plan. Tool was created to automate invite management for Teams plan.
Tool to send Docker Hub Invites
The Docker Hub Invite tool is a tool automating member invite to Docker Hub. It extents Docker Hub UI (where you can invite only singe member) with ability to invite tens or hundreds users to Docker Hub Orgasation.
Login to the Docker Hub and note organization and team name, where you want to invite members.
Add needed count of seats into your org account.
Get token with:
# curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"username": "myusername","password":"hunter2"}'
Fill in env variables .ENV
export DOCKERHUBTOKEN="Bearer adfdfglvjjdvj"
export DOCKERHUBORG=yourorg
export DOCKERHUBTEAM=teaminorg
NOTE: DOCKERHUBTESTMODE=true will set read only mode to get members from org and team.
Source it:
# source .ENV
git clone
cd dockerhubinvite/
Token Check Started...
Token Check 200 OK
Start member invite...
Sending email to [email protected]
Sending email to [email protected]
Please leave your feedback in the issue tracker! I'd love to know how you're using this tool and what features you'd like to see us add.
If you spot a bug or see a typo, please feel free to fix it by putting up a pull request!