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Proposed New Approach for Pattern Matching in ECMAScript

Author: Daniel Ethridge (@wlib).


The entire purpose of pattern matching is to branch logic. We currently use the if statement and the switch statement to do this. The issue is that neither of these constructs are ergonomic. if statements are usually ad hoc and using switch is usually avoided because of its verbosity and unintuitive semantics. We can solve these problems by reapproaching this issue from better principles.

First, understand that the main purpose of pattern matching is to take a value, and to do something based on what that value is. In all cases, this can be just seen as elimination of sum types.

This, in other words, means that a pattern matching solution needs to know about types.


For better or worse, ECMAScript is dynamically and weakly typed (this can be better described as unityped). A result of this is that pattern matching is an inherently foreign concept within the language.

Fortunately, there is a solution to this. Here's a hint - destructuring:

const someObject =
  { foo: 1
  , bar: [ "thank", "you", "tc39", "very", "cool" ]
  , bruh: true

const { bruh, bar: [ , , ...message] } = someObject

console.log(bruh)    // true
console.log(message) // ["tc39", "very", "cool"]

Destructuring in ECMAScript is structural. If the left hand side of the assignment (the { bruh, bar: [ , , ...message] } part) is a substructure of the right hand side, the sides match and the destructuring assignment is successful.

This basically means that ECMAScript already has extensive support for duck typing.

But on top of that, the language also somewhat supports nominal typing using the instanceof operator:

class Moment extends Date {}
class Bruh extends Moment {}

const bruh = new Bruh()

console.log(bruh instanceof Bruh)   // true
console.log(bruh instanceof Moment) // true
console.log(bruh instanceof Date)   // true
console.log(bruh instanceof Object) // true

...and on top of that the language has all kinds of arbitrary "types" that need to be checked. For example, the only way to tell if a number is natural is with a function:

const isNaturalNumber = n =>
  Number.isInteger(n) && n >= 0


So our solution for pattern matching should incorporate both destructuring and arbitrary matching in order to be maximally useful. It can be understood as just a newer switch statement that allows matching if the value...

  • strictly equal (===) to a case, like a normal switch would.
  • ...can be destructured by a case.
  • ...fits some arbitrarily chosen criteria.

Finally, our solution must abandon the current switch syntax in order to be more consistent with the syntax of all of the other statements.

Here is roughly what its syntax looks like:

switch* (<expression> [; <function>]) {
  case ([<expression> | <destructuring>]...) <block>
  default <block>


Switch Asterisk

Using a switch followed by an asterisk is exactly the same approach that was taken when generator functions where introduced in order to maintain backwards compatibility without taking a new keyword. This decision could arbitrarily be changed to introduce and use a keyword like match, but switch * will work without any unnecessary hassle.

No Fall-Through

Unlike the classic switch statement, there is no fallthrough. This is because fall-through is an unnecessary source of confusion. Here's an example of counterintuitive fall-through behavior:

switch (1) {
  case 0: console.log(0)
  default: console.log("default")
  case 2: console.log(2)
// default
// 2

switch (1) {
  case 0: console.log(0)
  case 1: console.log(1)
  default: console.log("default")
  case 2: console.log(2)
// 1
// default
// 2

But of course - the most common mistake is to forget to write all of the break's. Now, rather than fall-through, you can match one of multiple patterns like so:

const userInput = "hello"

switch* (userInput) {
  case ("hi", "hello", "hey")
    console.log(`Oh, ${userInput}!`)
  case ("bye", "goodbye", "see ya")
    console.log("Have a good day!")

    console.log("Sorry, I don't understand that much...")

Optional Custom Match Function

Normally, a case clause only matches using strict equality or a destructuring assignment. When matching another expression (when not destructuring), the matching function is equivalent to (a, b) => a === b. This can be too rigid for many cases in pattern matching, so an optional custom match function is supported. This is especially useful for ranges or custom logic:

// Contrived example that tests is two numbers are coprime
const gcd = (a, b) =>
  b == 0 ? Math.abs(a)
         : gcd(b, a % b)

const isCoPrimeTo = (a, b) =>
  gcd(a, b) === 1

switch* (14; isCoPrimeTo) {
  case (2, 4, 6, 8)
    console.log("This shouldn't happen")

  case (15)
    console.log("This should happen")

// Arbitrary pattern matching
const isLessThan = (a, b) => a < b

switch* (someNumber; isLessThan) {
  case (0)

  case (10)
    console.log("Single Digits")
  case (50)
    console.log("Under 50")

    console.log("50 or more?")


A common pattern in ECMAScript is to use blocks:

// Blocks can use { } to hold multiple statements
if (false) { 

while (false) {

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

lambda = argument => {
  return result(argument)

// Or ignore the { } for just one statement
if (false)
else if (false)

while (false)

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++)

lambda = argument =>

Now, the clauses within switch* behave the same way, making them much more consistent with intuition for how pattern matching should work:

const map = (f, iterable) => {
  switch* (iterable) {
    case ([])
      return []

    case ([x, ...xs])
      return [f(x),, xs)]

    default {
      console.error("You cannot pass", iterable, "into the map function")
      throw new TypeError("Not an Iterable")

More Examples

Matching sum types (though undeclared and not compile-time checked):

const isInstanceOf = (a, b) => a instanceof b

const bTreeSize = tree => {
  switch* (tree; isInstanceOf) {
    case (Leaf)
      return 1

    case (Node)
      return bTreeSize(Node.left) + bTreeSize(Node.right)

const apply = (f, maybeSomething) => {
  switch* (maybeSomething; isInstanceOf) {
    case (Just)
      return f(maybeSomething.value)

    case (Nothing)
      return maybeSomething

      throw new TypeError(maybeSomething, "needs to be a Maybe type")

This enables really creative pattern matching "types/sort of typeclasses":

class Functor {
  static [Symbol.hasInstance](possibleFunctor) {
    return typeof === "function"

const myArray = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const isInstanceOf = (a, b) => a instanceof b

switch* (myArray; isInstanceOf) {
  case (Functor) {
    console.log("This will match, because arrays are functors")
    console.log( => n * 2) )


There is an inherent ambiguity whether or not a case clause contains an expression or a destructuring assignment. For example, what should this be?

const stuff = [1]

switch* (someIterable) {
  case ([]) {
    // Is this an expression (match empty array) or destructuring?
  case ([...stuff]) {
    // Does this match [1] or destructure?
  case ([stuff]) {
    // Does this destructure or match [[1]]?
  case (stuff) {
    // Does this destructure assign without actually destructuring?
    // Or does it evaluate as an expression to match [1]?

This can be resolved by treating anything that can be parsed as a destructuring assignment as a destructuring assignment. This includes all {} and [], but excludes bare identifiers and any other expressions. So every clause except the last one is a destructuring match, while the last clause matches the variable stuff itself.

Essentially, just remember that case clauses take identifiers if you need to match an object or iterable.


An ECMAScript proposal for pattern matching




