Based on PixelArtPipeline of Broxxar
In editor tool to render 3D object as sprite sheet or single sprite with normal map — based on the character art pipeline of the Dead Cells
- Capture a 3D object with animation into a sprite sheet
- Set count of the frames per second to the capture of animation
- Set start and end frames of your animation
- Preview animation (not result of capture)
- Capture a single frame from the camera’s view
- Set sprites resolution (named as "Cell Size")
- Navigate to Assets/PixelArtPipeline/Demo/Scenes/CaptureScene.unity to explore and test the setup
- Add your 3D model and a camera to the scene (camera will be used for capturing).
- Add the PixelArtPipelineCapture script to any object in the scene.
- Set references into the PixelArtPipelineCapture (capture camera, target 3D object, and animation if it needed)
- Press one of the buttons:
- "Capture Screen" (capture single sprite from the camera’s view)
- "Capture Animation"
Tip: In most cases i think you prefer use unlit materials on your 3D object without any lighting on the scene. However, any materials and light setup can be used based on your preferences.