Project Name : Gender Identification and Sentiment Analysis on Twitter through machine learning approaches
Author : PENG WANG Student Number : 680868
Author : MINGYU GAO Student Number : 692634
Supervisor : Prof. Richard Sinnott
*************** Demo URL *************************
Website: YouTube: Souce Codes:
*************** System requirement *************** Ubuntu: version":"15.10"
Python: "version": "2.7.10" with: - pip (8.1.1) - nltk (3.2) - Textblob(0.11.1) - CouchDB (0.8) - tweepy (3.5.0) - googlemaps (2.4.3) - genderizer ( - pymongo (3.2.2) - python-memcached (1.57) - naiveBayesClassifier (0.1.3) - scikit-learn (0.17.1) - numpy (1.11.0) - requests (2.9.1)
Rails "version": "4.1.10" with: - ruby-dev - zlib1g-dev - liblzma-dev - ruby - ruby-railties - git - bundler - libsqlite3-dev
*************** File Directory Listing ***********
- SystemInstallation
- TweetsHarvesters
- DataProcessingAndAnalysis
- MVCWebApplication
*************** File Directory Details ***********
- SystemInstallation : This File Contains System Development Automation Tools Boto and Ansible
##Boto This folder contains a python file which is used for launching instances and attaching volumes
##Ansible This folder contains yml files and roles which is used for automatically deploying the application as well as perform any necessary configuration.
yml files: --site.yml # master playbook --startboto.yml # playbook for starting boto --allservers.yml # playbook for all servers --webservers.yml # playbook for web servers
roles: --updatecache #update the cache in ubuntu --sharedsoftware #install the share package in ubuntu --machinelearningpackage #install the machine learning package in ubuntu --mountvolume #mount volumes --installcouchdb #install couchdb and edit configurations --pushfiles #push files to servers --startharvester #start tweets harvester on servers --rails #install web related packages --startwebserver #start web server --startboto #run boto
Please refer to to run the scripts in System Installation
2.TweetsHarvesters : This File Contains Tweets Harvesters Scripts
3.DataProcessingAndAnalysis : This File Contains Data Processing tools and Machine Learning Development Proecess
4.MVCWebApplication : This File Constains Web Application Files developed by Ruby on Rails