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iRobot Client

Basic iRobot client to interact with the iRobot HTTP API. The client has a Common Workflow Language wrapper for integration with Arvados and other applications if needed.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine or in a Docker container for development and testing purposes.


What things you need to install the software:

  • python 3.6


From GitHub:

git clone
cd irobot-client
python install

Alternatively in a Docker container but without test resources (CANNOT run the cwl inside the irobot-client container):

docker run -it mercury/irobot-client

Check that the iRobot-Client works:

The best way to check the client works without connecting to the irobot server is to run a docker container with the Bissell image from dockerhub.

mkdir testdir
irobotclient http://localhost:5000/test.cram testdir --arvados_token testtoken -f

The above command should download two files (test.cram and it's associated index file: test.cram.crai) to the testdir folder.


Command line interface

usage: irobotclient [options] INPUT_FILE OUTPUT_DIR

Command line interface for iRobot HTTP requests

positional arguments:
  input_file            path and name of input file
  output_dir            path of output directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u URL, --url URL     Use this tag if no irobot URL is set as an environment variable {IROBOT_URL}. URL scheme, domain and port for irobot. EXAMPLE: http://irobot:5000/
  --arvados_token ARVADOS_TOKEN
                        Arvados authentication token; if not supplied here it will be sourced from the environment {ARVADOS_TOKEN} or default to an
  --basic_username BASIC_USERNAME
                        Basic authentication username; if not supplied here it will be sourced from the environment {BASIC_USERNAME} then, failing that, current system user
  --basic_password BASIC_PASSWORD
                        Basic authentication password; if not supplied here it will be sourced from the environment {BASIC_PASSWORD}
  -f, --force           force overwrite output file if it already exists
  --no_index            Do not download index files for CRAM/BAM files
  -o, --override_url    Override a URL set in the IROBOT_URL environment 

Common Workflow Language (CWL)

The below commands run the cwl wrapper passing in the example YAML file defining program argument values.

cd cwl
pip install -r cwl_requirements.txt
cwl-runner cwl_wrapper.cwl config_example.yml

If the Bissell container is up and running, the above command should return a test_text.txt file to your working directory. To specify a different output directory use the cwl-runner --outdir OUTDIR option.


Values required for the client can be passed in as arguments on the command line, a YAML file when using CWL, or the following can be set as environment variables:

IROBOT_URL      -   URL scheme, domain and port for irobot. EXAMPLE: http://irobot:5000/
ARVADOS_TOKEN   -   Arvados authentication token
BASIC_USERNAME  -   Basic authentication username
BASIC_PASSWORD  -   Basic authentication password

Running the tests

  • TODO: Update unittests
  • TODO: Create automated test script for cwl
  • TODO: Explain how to run the automated tests for this system

And coding style tests

  • TODO: This project follows the unittest and PEP8 coding style.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License - see the file for details
