The table below describes every extensions of the WUIC project. An extension always comes with its own dependencies. What you have simply to do is to include the extension's maven dependency:
Artifact | Description | Component |
wuic-aws-s3 | Store your statics in the cloud with AWS and manage it with this extension. | DAO |
wuic-ftp | Store your statics in any FTP server and manage it with this extension. | DAO |
wuic-google-storage | Store your statics in the cloud with Google storage and manage it with this extension. | DAO |
wuic-ssh | Store your statics in any linux system and manage it through SFTP with this extension. | DAO |
wuic-thymeleaf | Write your application with thymeleaf and uses this processor to integrate WUIC features. | Tag |
wuic-ehcache | Reduce response time by caching on server side with EhCache framework. | Engine |
wuic-hazelcast | Reduce response time by caching on server side with Hazelcast framework. | Engine |
wuic-yuicompressor | Minify Javascript and CSS files with YUICompressor. | Engine |
wuic-attoparser | Rely on AttoParser to read HTML document and detect web assets to optimize. | Engine |