Chorus is a framework for rapidly creating multi-device JavaScript-based data visualizations.
Goal: Minimize the time taken to turn any regular browser-based data viz to be a collaborative experience
See the poster here! (Presented at the 2018 OSU Denman Undergraduate Research Forum) or below
Summer update presentation with some demos
This project was developed under the advising and support of Dr. Arnab Nandi's Interactive Data Systems Group at The Ohio State University. Thanks Arnab!
- Multi-device data coordination for any JavaScript-based data visualization or tool, easily integrated into code
- Server facilitating numerous clients and channels, separating data stores securely with low latency
- Menu to allow users to easily create or follow data rooms and detach if desired
- Built-in Chromecast integration, allowing any monitor or projector to become a synced external display
- Custom backend to add additional socket events or server-sided data processing
MIDI: piano keyboard + vizualization of notes played
Crossfilter: Crossfilter.js Flight data dashboard
Leaflet: Leaflet.js map and draw tools
To install Chorus's server and associated demos:
- Clone Git repository
- Install NPM if needed, then
npm install
in root - Create
file in root with desired specifications (see below). - Run your own web server or serve your tool's files statically through the
file settings - Delete
folders if desired - Run
npm start
To implement on your own JS-based tool:
- Include
and optionallycast_sender.js
locally or externally - Include
in the/public/chorus/
<script src="" integrity="sha256-hwg4gsxgFZhOsEEamdOYGBf13FyQuiTwlAQgxVSNgt4="crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script src="chorus.js"></script>
- Create
new Chorus
object - Implement function
chorus.render(data, fresh)
that renders data accordingly - Add function call
whenever data is updated
See public/chorus/test.html
for a full demonstration.
# port: Express server port (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT: 3000)
# client: Serve client files via express (OPTIONAL)
# customs: Serve additional custom server files (OPTIONAL)
# debug: Show all console messages (OPTIONAL, DEFAULT: false)