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SRC2 competition metarepository


Install wstool.

Install catkin_tools (if using catkin build).

vo.rosinstall: ROS Melodic or greater (with ros-(version)-ros-base, ros-(version)-cv-bridge, ros-(version)-gazebo-msgs, ros-(version)-image-transport, ros-(version)-tf, OpenCV 3.2.0 or greater, and C++11. To install OpenCV, an install script is provided here. OpenCV no longer needs installed separately as OpenCV 3.2.0 is installed by default along with the ROS packages. To check OpenCV version, run pkg-config --modversion opencv to check if version 3.2.0 is installed.

solution.rosinstall: ROS Melodic (with ros-(version)-ros-base, ros-(version)-cv-bridge, ros-(version)-gazebo-msgs, ros-(version)-image-transport, ros-(version)-tf, ros-(version)-pcl-conversions, ros-(version)-costmap-2d, ros-(version)-pcl-ros, ros-(version)-nav-core, ros-(version)-base-local-planner, ros-(version)-tf2-geometry-msgs, ros-(version)-tf2-sensor-msgs, ros-(version)-navfn, ros-(version)-realtime-tools, ros-(version)-move-base-msgs, ros-(version)-map-server, ros-(version)-move-base, OpenCV 3.2.0, and C++11. The require version of OpenCV is installed automatically along with ROS melodic. To check OpenCV version, run pkg-config --modversion opencv to check if version 3.2.0 is installed. Also, execute the following commands: sudo apt install python-pip, pip install scipy, python2.7 -m pip install Pillow, python2.7 -m pip install setuptools, python2.7 -m pip install tensorflow, python2.7 -m pip install keras==2.3.1.


This is an example of how to install packages and setup a new workspace.

Create workspace

First, create the workspace directory:

$ mkdir ~/my_ws
$ cd ~/my_ws

Download repository containing .rosinstall files

Now, download the repository containing the .rosinstall. The following command will create the src folder (not yet created) and clone the meta repository inside the created src folder.
$ cd ~/my_ws
$ git clone src

Install with wstool (from file)

Now, install packages using wstool:

$ cd ~/my_ws/src
$ wstool init . meta.rosinstall

where the arguments $ wstool init /folder/to/init /path/to/.rosinstall

Install with wstool (from URL)

Instead of cloning the repository containing the .rosinstall file (or downloading). The workspace can be installed using the url for the raw file. For example:

$ mkdir ~/my_ws
$ cd ~/my_ws
$ mkdir src
$ wstool init src/

You can find the raw url by going to the file in GitHub and clicking raw near the top right of the file.

Build packages

If using catkin_make:

$ cd ~/my_ws
$ catkin_make

If using catkin build:

$ cd ~/my_ws
$ catkin build

Ignoring packages

To ignore a package, add an empty file called CATKIN_IGNORE in the package directory, and delete the file to stop ignoring. For example, to ignore the wvu_vo_ros package:

$ cd ~/my_ws/src/wvu_vo_ros

If using catkin build, blacklist packages to ignore. For example, to ignore wvu_vo_ros:

$ cd ~/my_ws
$ catkin config --blacklist wvu_vo_ros

To ignore all packages except a specific list, whitelist packages to compile. For example, to only compile wvu_vo_ros:

$ cd ~/my_ws
$ catkin config --whitelist wvu_vo_ros

To remove all packages from the blacklist or whitelist use the following commands:

$ catkin config --no-blacklist
$ catkin config --no-whitelist

Credential Helpers

If the .rosinstall contains many packages, either SSH keys can be used or a credential helper. To cache credentials, use the following command:

$ git config --global credential.helper cache

This tells git to keep the username and password in memory for 15 minutes (by default), but the timeout or other seetings can be modified. See Credential Storage for more details.


SRC2 competition metarepository







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