Create an carbon fields options page and expose the container to other plugins
This plugin utilizes the Carbon Fields WordPress custom fields library. Read the documentation to understand how you can use it to create custom options pages and fields.
You can install the plugin by uploading it in the WordPress Admin or via composer
composer require woda/wp-admin-options
If you installed the plugin via composer
you will have to initialize it yourself to be able to use it. Add this to your theme's function file
add_filter('woda_admin_options_settings', static function($settings) {
return [
// (string) The text to be displayed in the title tags of the page when the menu is selected.
'containerLabel' => __('Admin Options', 'textdomain'),
// (string) The URL to the icon to be used for this menu.
// * Pass an SVG which will be base64-encoded automatically for you
// * Pass a base64-encoded SVG using a data URI, which will be colored to match the color scheme. This should begin with 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'.
// * Pass the name of a Dashicons helper class to use a font icon, e.g. 'dashicons-chart-pie'.
// * Pass 'none' to leave div.wp-menu-image empty so an icon can be added via CSS.
'containerIcon' => 'dashicons-carrot',
}, 10, 1);
use Carbon_Fields\Container;
add_action('carbon_fields_register_fields', static function (): void {
$container = Woda\WordPress\AdminOptions\Core\Container::getContainer();
Container::make('theme_options', 'New Options')
use Carbon_Fields\Field;
add_action('carbon_fields_register_fields', static function (): void {
$container = Woda\WordPress\AdminOptions\Core\Container::getContainer();
$container->add_fields( array(
Field::make( 'color', 'crb_background_color', __( 'Background Color' ) ),
Field::make( 'image', 'crb_background_image', __( 'Background Image' ) ),
) );