The project is based on the koa
The main advantage is that you can use async / await
to handle promise-based operations (IO, network, etc).
The heart of the project is in the app.js
const koa = new Koa()
koa.use(…) // use some helpful stuff
koa.use(Json(…)) // i.e. prettify output json
// here is a business logic
import api17 from './api/v17'
// use api, run the server
So what the v17.js
file is about?
It build routes according to REST API standards.
REST has a notion of resource — it's an object, that can be created, edited, updated, but using HTTP requests.
If user visits URL /events
he (she) gets all events.
returns the object with id 7.
But each of these requests was just a GET request.
When user sends a POST request to /events
with some information,
he (she) can create a new event. It's like a message "hay, server, post a new event to events, please, ok?". The other way is to send GET to /events/new
request can update value.
method obviously removes the object.
The full table can be found here:
To simplify our life we use koa-rest-router
middleware (plugin).
It defines resources, and mapping with some logic.
const api = Router({ prefix: '/api/v17' })
api.resource('events', {
index: async ctx => …, // to get them all, /events
show: async ctx => …, // just one of them, /events/7
create: async ctx => { … }, // create new, POST /events
update: async ctx => { … } // update existing, PUT /events/7
This server is self-sustained, it doesn't depend on the mmcs-meetups
You can use curl
to test it manually. Later normal test suits will be added.
$ yarn
$ yarn start
The nodemon tool (node demon, a background process) will be started.
It will watch onto changes in each file except db.json
It is possible to send common get requests:
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:3001/api/v17/events/
[{"theme":"orange","link":"detecting-people-in-video","title":"Детектирование и трекинг людей на видеоряде","date":"2017-03-20","time":"17:30","annotation":"\…
If you want to prettify output, use ?pretty
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:3001/api/v17/events/47hours?pretty
"link": "47hours",
"theme": "violet",
"title": "VR & AR хакатон",
"date": "2017-04-02",
"time": "16:30",
"place": "311",
"annotation": "Это супер крутой хакатон на 47 часов.<br>Но есть один минус: он в Таганроге."
The -X
flag (excecute) can be replaced with --request
The meaning is still the same: send a custom request.
Another one flag is --data
or -d
is used to send custom data.
When combined with --header
or -H
, it is even possible to send
json-formatted data:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"link": "cat", "name": "Category Theory"}' http://localhost:3001/api/v17/events
{"link": "cat", "name": "Category Theory"}
For windows you can use another form:
$ echo '{"example" : 3}' | sed "s/'\(.*\)'/\1/" | curl -d @- -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"