- Accelerated Attributed Network Embedding, SDM 2017
- A General Embedding Framework for Heterogeneous Information Learning in Large-Scale Networks, TKDD, 2018
H = AANE_fun(Net,Attri,d);
H = AANE_fun(Net,Attri,d,lambda,rho);
H = AANE_fun(Net,Attri,d,lambda,rho,'Att');
H = AANE_fun(Net,Attri,d,lambda,rho,'Att',splitnum);
- H is the joint embedding representation of Net and Attri;
- Net is the weighted adjacency matrix;
- Attri is the node attribute information matrix with row denotes nodes.
Author = {Xiao Huang and Jundong Li and Xia Hu},
Booktitle = {SIAM International Conference on Data Mining},
Pages = {633--641},
Title = {Accelerated Attributed Network Embedding},
Year = {2017}}
Title = {A General Embedding Framework for Heterogeneous Information Learning in Large-Scale Networks},
Author = {Xiao Huang and Jundong Li and Na Zou and Xia Hu},
Booktitle = {ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data},
Volume = {12},
Year = {2018}}