A lein skeleton to get started with Clojure on Google App Engine
Based on a couple of very helpful blogs:
- https://blog.jeaye.com/2016/08/23/clojure-app-engine/
- http://lambda-startup.com/developing-clojure-on-app-engine/
- http://flowa.fi/blog/2014/04/25/clojure-gae-howto.html
I found a few inconsistencies from the above blogs.
- Appstats is not supported on Java 7 (this skeleton uses Java 8). Stackdriver Trace (Appstats replacement) works out of the box instead.
- I didn't need to use lein-localrepo to get the GAE Local Deveserver running (as suggested by the lambda-startup post).
The skeleton includes two routes (defined in core.clj) which write and read to the datastore
This has been tested on App Engine 1.9.58
Start a repl by running lein repl
then boot the development appserver (see appengine.clj)
(require '[cae.appengine :as ae])
Make sure you have put your Google App Engine project name into appengine-web.xml, then:
bash deploy_to_appengine.sh