Bacula Client configured to backup database by default. Could be reconfigured to backup config files.
Bacula 11 version.
Allows to use the postgresql or sqlite3 database.
Sqlite3 version creates db locally, for mysql or postgresql need to have separate db server working.
For postgresql create db named "bacula" with coresponding user, use SQL_ASCII encoding and postgres<=14 to avoid application warnings.
Added vchanger tool:
Pull this repository and run ""
postgreSQL & mySQL versions:
DB_Host - database ip
DB_Port - database port (could be omitted if default)
DB_User - database user
DB_Password - database user password
TZ - timezone
SD_Host - most cases host IP Address should be set
(the IP address where the bacula will be reachable by clients/computers)
WEB_User - bacula app username (default: admin)
WEB_Password - bacula app password (default: difficult)
EMAIL_Recipient - email address where You want bacula send notifications
SMTP_Host - address of Your email provider's smtp server
SMTP_User - Email sender login (could be: user@domain or user, check Your email provider documentation)
SMTP_Password - Password for email sender account
SMTP_Port - smtp port for Your email provider smtp server (check provider documentation) - Yes this is ENV Variable not Docker Port
If You want to send email notification, You should set container hostname as Your Reverse DNS (Public). Some email providers could Reject email without propper hostname
9095 - Bacula Web
9103 - Bacula Storage
9096 - Bacula API (could be omitted, local Web App use localhost)
9101 - Bacula Director (could be omitted if no remote management is needed)
version 11:
/opt/bacula/etc - bacula configuration files
/etc/baculum - baculum app configuration
/mnt/bacula - storage for backups
/opt/bacula/working - bacula working directory (sqlite db, bacula db dump for backups)
/opt/bacula/log - bacula logs
/var/log/apache2 - baculum logs
version 9.6:
/etc/bacula - bacula configuration
/etc/baculum - baculum app configuration
/var/lib/bacula - bacula working directory
/var/log/bacula - bacula logs
/var/log/apache2 - baculum app logs
docker run -d --name='Bacula Server' \
-e TZ="America/Los_Angeles" \
-e 'SD_Host'='' \
-e 'DB_Host'='' -e 'DB_User'='username' -e 'DB_Password'='password' \
-e 'WEB_User'='admin' -e 'WEB_Password'='difficult' \
-p '9103:9103' -p '9095:9095' \
-v '/mnt/docker/bacula-server/working':'/var/lib/bacula' \
-v '/mnt/docker/bacula-server/etc':'/etc/bacula' \
-v '/mnt/docker/bacula-server/storage':'/mnt/bacula' \
-v '/mnt/docker/bacula-server/log/bacula':'/var/log/bacula' \
-v '/mnt/docker/bacula-server/log/apache2':'/var/log/apache2' \
-v '/mnt/docker/bacula-server/baculum':'/etc/baculum' \