Simple task/command runner inspired by make
with declarative goals and dependencies.
The simplest way to think of this tool is to have a way to have "shortcuts" (aka goals) to some pieces of scripts. This way allows to call them easily without the need to call long shell one-liners instead.
Example Makesurefile
@goal downloaded
@reached_if [[ -f code.tar.gz ]]
wget http://domain/code.tar.gz
@goal extracted
@depends_on downloaded
tar xzf code.tar.gz
@goal built
@depends_on extracted
npm install
npm run build
@goal deployed
@depends_on built
scp -C -r build/* user@domain:~/www
@goal default
@depends_on deployed
Now to run the whole build you just issue ./makesure
command in a folder with Makesurefile
goal will be called).
You can as well call single goal explicitly, example ./makesure built
Also pay attention to @reached_if
directive. This one allows skipping goal if it's already satisfied. This allows to speedup subsequent executions.
By default, all scripts inside goals are executed with bash
. If you want to use sh
just add @shell sh
directive at start of the Makesurefile
- Zero-install
- Very portable
- Very simple, only bare minimum of truly needed features. You don’t need to learn a whole new programming language to use the tool! Literally it’s goals + dependencies + handful of directives + bash/shell.
- Much saner and simpler
analog. - A bunch of useful built-in facilities: timing the goal's execution, listing goals in a build file, a means to speed-up repeated builds.
- The syntax of a build file is also a valid bash/shell (though semantics is different). This can to some extent be in use for editing in IDE.
$ ./makesure -h
makesure ver. 0.9.24
Usage: makesure [options...] [-f buildfile] [goals...]
-f,--file buildfile
set buildfile to use (default Makesurefile)
-l,--list list all available non-@private goals
-la,--list-all list all available goals
-d,--resolved list resolved dependencies to reach given goals
-D "var=val",--define "var=val"
override @define values
-s,--silent silent mode - only output what goals output
-t,--timing display execution times for goals and total
-x,--tracing enable tracing in bash/sh via `set -x`
-v,--version print version and exit
-h,--help print help and exit
-U,--selfupdate update makesure to latest version
Since makesure
is a tiny utility represented by a single file, the recommended installation strategy is to keep it local to a project where it's used (this means in code repository). Not only this eliminates the need for repetitive installation for every dev on a project, but also allows using separate makesure
version per project and update only as needed.
wget "" -Omakesure && \
chmod +x makesure && echo "makesure $(./makesure -v) installed"
curl "" -o makesure && \
chmod +x makesure && echo "makesure $(./makesure -v) installed"
Updates makesure
executable to latest available version in-place:
./makesure -U
will run on any environment with POSIX shell available. Tested and officially supported are:
- Linux
- macOS
- FreeBSD
- Windows (via Git Bash)
- Build file is a text file named
. - Build file uses directives.
- Build file consists of a set of goals.
- A goal is a labeled piece of shell.
- A goal can declare dependencies on other goals. During execution each referenced dependency will run only once despite the number of occurrences in dependency tree. Dependencies will run in proper sequence according to the inferred topological order. Dependency loops will be reported as error.
- Goal bodies are executed in separate shell invocations. It means, you can’t easily pass variables from one goal to another. This is done on purpose to enforce declarative style.
- By default, goals are run with
. You can change tosh
with@shell sh
directive specified before all goals. - For convenience in all shell invocations the current directory is automatically set to the one of
. Typically, this is the root of the project. This allows using relative paths without bothering of the way the build is run. - Goal can declare
directive (link). This allows skipping goal execution if it's already satisfied.
Only valid: in prelude (meaning before any @goal
Valid options: timing
, tracing
, silent
@options timing
Will measure and log each goal execution time + total time.
Example Makesurefile
@options timing
@goal a
@depends_on b
echo "Executing goal 'a' ..."
sleep 1
@goal b
echo "Executing goal 'b' ..."
sleep 2
$ ./makesure a
goal 'b' ...
Executing goal 'b' ...
goal 'b' took 2.003 s
goal 'a' ...
Executing goal 'a' ...
goal 'a' took 1.003 s
total time 3.006 s
Small issue exists with this option on macOS. Due to BSD's date
not supporting +%N
formatting option, the default precision of timings is 1 sec. To make it 1 ms precise (if this is important) just install Gawk (brew install gawk
). In this case Gawk built-in gettimeofday
function will be used.
@options tracing
Will trace the executed shell script. This activates set -x
shell option under the hood.
@options silent
By default makesure
logs the goals being executed. Use this option if this is not desired (you only need the output of your own code in goals).
Use this directive to declare global variable (visible to all goals).
The variable will be declared as environment variable (via export
@define A hello
@define B "${A} world"
@define C 'hello world'
This directive is valid in any place in Makesurefile
. However, we recommend:
- place frequently changed variables (like versions) to the top of
- place infrequently changed variables closer to the goals/libs that use them
Variable defined with @define
can be overridden with a variable passed in invocation via -D
Overall the precedence for variables resolution is (higher priority top):
./makesure -D VAR=1
@define VAR 2
VAR=3 ./makesure
The precedence priorities are designed like this on purpose, to prevent accidental override of @define VAR='value'
definition in file by the environment variable with the same name. However, sometimes this is the desired behavior. In this case you can use:
@define VAR "${VAR}" # using the same name, or
@define VAR1 "${ENV_VAR}" # using different name, or
@define VAR2 "${VAR_NAME:-default_value}" # if need the default value when not set
This allows to use environment variables VAR
, and VAR_NAME
to set the value of VAR
, VAR1
and VAR2
Please note, the parser of makesure
is somewhat stricter here than shell's one:
@define HW ${HELLO}world # makesure won't accept
@define HW "${HELLO}world" # OK
Only valid: in prelude.
Valid options: bash
(default), sh
Sets the shell interpreter to be used for execution of goal bodies and @reached_if
@shell sh
@goal goal_name [ @private ]
Defines a goal. @private
modifier is optional. When goal is private, it won't show in ./makesure -l
. To list all goals including private use ./makesure -la
Lines that go after this declaration line (but before next @goal
declaration line) will be treated as a shell script for the body of the goal. Example:
@goal hello
echo "Hello world"
Having the above in Makesurefile
will produce next output when ran with ./makesure hello
hello world
Indentation in goal body is optional, unlike make
, so below is perfectly valid:
@goal hello
echo "Hello world"
Invoking ./makesure
without arguments will attempt to call the goal named default
@goal default
echo "I'm default goal"
@goal [ goal_name ] @glob <glob pattern> [ @private ]
This one is easy to illustrate with an example:
@goal process_file @glob '*.txt'
Is equivalent to declaring three goals
@goal [email protected] @private
echo a.txt 0 2
@goal [email protected] @private
echo b.txt 1 2
@goal process_file
@depends_on [email protected]
@depends_on [email protected]
$ ls
a.txt b.txt
For convenience, you can omit name in case of glob goal:
@goal @glob '*.txt'
as equivalent for
@goal a.txt @private
echo a.txt 0 2
@goal b.txt @private
echo b.txt 1 2
@goal '*.txt'
@depends_on a.txt
@depends_on b.txt
So essentially one glob goal declaration expands to multiple goal declarations based on files present in project that match the glob pattern. Shell glob expansion mechanism applies.
The useful use case here would be to represent a set of test files as a set of goals. The example could be found in the project's own build file.
Why this may be useful? Imagine in your nodejs application you have test1.js
, test2.js
, test3.js
Now you can use this Makesurefile
@goal @glob 'test*.js'
echo "running test file $INDEX out of $TOTAL ..."
node $ITEM
to be able to run each test individually (./makesure test2.js
for example) and all together (./makesure 'test*.js'
In case if you need to glob the files with spaces in their names, please check the naming rules section below.
Make code easier to reuse.
Declaration syntax (using @params
@goal goal_name @params A B C
Usage syntax (using @args
@goal other_goal @params PARAM
@depends_on goal_name @args 'value1' 'value 2' PARAM
The idea of using two complementary keywords @params
+ @args
was inspired by async
+ await
from JavaScript.
@goal file_downloaded @params FILE_NAME
echo "Downloading $FILE_NAME..."
@goal file_processed @params FILE_NAME
@depends_on file_downloaded @args FILE_NAME
echo "Processing $FILE_NAME..."
@goal all_files_processed
@depends_on file_processed @args 'file1'
@depends_on file_processed @args 'file2'
@depends_on file_processed @args 'file3'
Having the above in Makesurefile
will produce next output when ran with ./makesure all_files_processed
goal 'file_downloaded@file1' ...
Downloading file1...
goal 'file_processed@file1' ...
Processing file1...
goal 'file_downloaded@file2' ...
Downloading file2...
goal 'file_processed@file2' ...
Processing file2...
goal 'file_downloaded@file3' ...
Downloading file3...
goal 'file_processed@file3' ...
Processing file3...
goal 'all_files_processed' [empty].
When listing goals, you'll see "instantiated" goals there:
$ ./makesure -l
Available goals:
And you can even call such "instantiated" goal:
$ ./makesure file_processed@file2
goal 'file_downloaded@file2' ...
Downloading file2...
goal 'file_processed@file2' ...
Processing file2...
You can also take a look at an example from a real project.
Note, the goal's body parameter values will appear as environment variables (as if defined via export
Note, you can reference the @define
-ed variables in the arguments of the parameterized goals:
@define HELLO 'hello'
@goal parameterized_goal @params ARG
echo "ARG=$ARG"
@goal goal1
@depends_on parameterized_goal @args HELLO # reference by name
@depends_on parameterized_goal @args "$HELLO world" # interpolated inside string
Having the above in Makesurefile
will produce next output when ran with ./makesure goal1
goal 'parameterized_goal@hello' ...
goal 'parameterized_goal@hello world' ...
ARG=hello world
goal 'goal1' [empty].
You can also rely on parameterized goals parameters interpolation.
Also, it's possible for a @glob
goal to be parameterized.
Please find a more real-world example here.
For more technical consideration regarding this feature see
It's recommended that you name your goals using alphanumeric chars + underscore.
However, it's possible to name a goal any way you want provided that you apply proper escaping:
@goal 'name with spaces' # all chars between '' have literal meaning, same as in shell, ' itself is not allowed in it
@goal $'name that contains \' single quote' # if you need to have ' in a string, use dollar-strings and escape it
@goal usual_name
Now ./makesure -l
Available goals:
'name with spaces'
$'name that contains \' single quote'
Note, how goal names are already escaped in output. This is to make it easier for you to call it directly:
./makesure $'name that contains \' single quote'
Same naming rules apply to other directives (like @doc
Usually you won't need this escaping tricks often, but they can be especially in use for @glob
goals if the relevant files have spaces in them:
@goal @glob 'file\ with\ spaces*.txt'
@goal other
@depends_on 'file with spaces1.txt'
More info on this topic is covered in the issue.
Only valid: inside @goal
Provides a description for a goal.
Example Makesurefile
@goal build
@doc builds the project
echo "Building ..."
@goal test
@doc tests the project
echo "Testing ..."
Running ./makesure -l
will show
Available goals:
build : builds the project
test : tests the project
Only valid: inside @goal
@depends_on goal1 [ goal2 [ goal3 [...] ] ]
Declares a dependency on other goal.
Example Makesurefile
@goal a
echo a
@goal b
@depends_on a
echo b
Running ./makesure b
will show
goal 'a' ...
goal 'b' ...
You can declare multiple dependencies for a goal:
@goal a
echo a
@goal b
@depends_on a
echo b
@goal c
echo c
@goal d
@depends_on b c
echo d
Running ./makesure d
will show
goal 'a' ...
goal 'b' ...
goal 'c' ...
goal 'd' ...
Circular dependency will cause an error:
@goal a
@depends_on b
@goal b
@depends_on c
@goal c
@depends_on a
Running ./makesure a
will show
There is a loop in goal dependencies via a -> c
Only valid: inside @goal
@calls goal1 [ goal2 [ goal3 [...] ] ]
Imperative (non-declarative) counterpart of @depends_on.
The need for @calls
may be not obvious, but the use-case is presented here.
Differences to @depends_on
doesn't favor run-once semantics@calls
defers the@reached_if
processing of a goal being called to the invocation time (@depens_on
calculates all@reached_if
conditions at start)
Operationally @calls
desugars to a nested makesure
@goal a
echo a
@goal b
@calls a
desugars to
@goal a
echo a
@goal b
./makesure a # actual command passes other arguments (for --file, --define, etc.)
Example Makesurefile
@goal a
echo a
@goal b
@calls a
@calls a
Running ./makesure b
will show
goal 'b' ...
goal 'a' ...
goal 'a' ...
You can declare multiple @calls
targets for a goal:
@goal a
@calls b c d
Circular dependency (both @depends_on
and @calls
considered) will cause an error:
@goal a
@depends_on b
@goal b
@calls c
@goal c
@calls a
Running ./makesure a
will show
There is a loop in goal dependencies via a -> c
You can use @calls
to invoke a parameterized goal:
@goal hello @params WHO
echo "Hello $WHO!"
@goal a
@calls hello @args 'world'
@calls hello @args 'hacker'
Running ./makesure a
will show
goal 'a' ...
goal 'hello@world' ...
Hello world!
goal 'hello@hacker' ...
Hello hacker!
You can mix @calls
and @depends_on
but please note, that depended-on goal will be invoked before the called one.
So this is valid:
@goal a
@calls b
@depends_on c
but you better write it as:
@goal a
@depends_on c
@calls b
You can find more information on how the directive interacts with the other directives in
Only valid: inside @goal
@reached_if <condition>
Allows skipping goal execution if it's already satisfied. This allows to speedup subsequent executions. Only one per goal allowed. The goal will be considered fulfilled (and thus will not run) if condition
executed as a shell script returns exit code 0
. Any condition
evaluation is done only once.
Example Makesurefile
@goal file_created
@reached_if [[ -f ./file.txt ]]
echo "Creating file ..."
echo "hello world" > ./file.txt
If you run ./makesure file_created
the first time:
goal 'file_created' ...
Creating file ...
If you run ./makesure file_created
the second time:
goal 'file_created' [already satisfied].
It is a good practice to name goals that declare @reached_if
in past tense.
should only rely on condition that is changed by the owning goal (why?).
@lib [ lib_name ]
Helps with code reuse. Occasionally you need to run similar code in multiple goals. The most obvious approach would be to place a code into
and invoke it in both goals. The downside is that now you need an additional file(s) and the build file is no more self-contained. @lib
to the resque!
The usage is simple:
@lib lib_name
a() {
echo Hello $1
@goal hello_world
@use_lib lib_name
a World
For simplicity can omit name:
a() {
echo Hello $1
@goal hello_world
a World
Operationally @use_lib
is just substituted by content of a corresponding @lib
's body, as if the above goal is declared like:
@goal hello_world
a() {
echo Hello $1
a World
Only valid: inside @goal
Only single @use_lib
per goal is allowed.
Install Bash completion for ./makesure
[[ ! -f ~/.bash_completion ]] && touch ~/.bash_completion
grep makesure ~/.bash_completion >/dev/null || echo '. ~/.makesure_completion.bash' >> ~/.bash_completion
curl "" -o ~/.makesure_completion.bash
echo 'Please reopen the shell to activate completion.'
- Convention over configuration.
- Minimalistic. Bare minimum of features that compose good with each other.
- There should be one way to do the thing.
- Overall Zen of Python.
- Think hard before adding new feature. Think of a damage it could cause used improperly. Think of cognitive complexity it introduces. Only add a feature generic enough to cover lots of useful cases instead of just some corner cases. Let's better have a list of recipes for the latter.
- Do not introduce unjustified complexity. User should not be forced to learn a whole new programming language to work with a tool. Instead, the tool is based on limited set of simple concepts, like goals + dependencies + handful of directives + familiar shell language (bash/sh).
- Worse is better.
- Principle of least surprise.
- Tests coverage is a must.
- Calling goals with arguments, like in just
- We deliberately don't support this feature. The idea is that the build file should be self-contained, so have all the information to run in it, no external arguments should be required. It should be much easier for the final user to run a build. The tool however has limited parameterization capabilities via
./makesure -D VAR=value
- We deliberately don't support this feature. The idea is that the build file should be self-contained, so have all the information to run in it, no external arguments should be required. It should be much easier for the final user to run a build. The tool however has limited parameterization capabilities via
- Includes
- This is a considerable complication to the tool. Also, it makes the build file not self-contained.
- Shells other than
- Less portable build.
- If you need to use, say, python for a goal body, it's unclear why you even need
at all. Besides, you always can just usepython -c "script"
- Custom own programming language, like
has- We think that this would be unjustified complexity.
- We believe that the power of shell is enough.
- Parallel execution
is a task runner, not a full-fledged build tool, likemake
. So if you need one, just use a proper build tool of your choice.
Find some contributor instructions in
The core of this tool is implemented in AWK. Almost all major implementations of AWK will work. Tested and officially supported are Gawk, BWK, mawk. This means that the default AWK implementation in your OS will work.
Developed in xonixx/intellij-awk.
- Makesure vs Just command runners on examples (December 2023)
- makesure v0.9.21 – what’s new? (October 2023)
- Adding parameterized goals to makesure (March 2023)
- makesure vs make (March 2023)
- makesure – make with a human face (February 2023)
- just
- just is a handy way to save and run project-specific commands
- Taskfile
- A Taskfile is a bash [...] script that follows a specific format [...], sits in the root of your project [...] and contains the tasks to build your project.
- Task
- Task is a task runner / build tool that aims to be simpler and easier to use than, for example, GNU Make.
- mmake
- Modern Make is a small program which wraps
to provide additional functionality
- Modern Make is a small program which wraps
- Robo
- Simple Go / YAML-based task runner for the team
- haku
- A task/command runner inspired by 'make'
- Invoke-Build
- Build Automation in PowerShell
- make
- [...] a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program's source files.