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Simple and convenient Vue error boundary.

The idea comes fromreact-error-boundary, catch errors thrown by subcomponents and provide a UI for fallback slot when the error is displayed.


  • 🔗 easy, out of the box.
  • 🔧 support devtools.
  • 🔑 type safe.
  • 🔨 unit testing.



Install plugins into dependencies, you can use which you like package manager.

pnpm add veboundary


<script lang="ts" setup>
import VueErrorBoundary from 'veboundary';
import Son from './son.vue';
import FallbackComponent from './fallback.vue';

    <Son />

    <template #fallback>
      <FallbackComponent />

Slot Scope

if you want to get error information, you can get it through slot scope. the slot scope provides two variables, one of error:Error. one of reset:() = > void;

reset rerenders the default slot, and you can provide a button in the fallback component to try to rerender

<script lang="ts" setup>
import ErrorBoundary from 'veboundary';
import Son from './son.vue';
import FallbackComponent from './fallback.vue';

    <Son />

    <template #fallback="{ error, reset }">
      <FallbackComponent :error="error" :reset="reset" />


If you want a more detailed error report, you can get it from emit.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import VueErrorBoundary,{VueErrorBoundaryEmit} from 'veboundary';
import Son from './son.vue';
import FallbackComponent, from './fallback.vue';

const caputedEmit: VueErrorBoundaryEmit = function ({ error, instance, info }) {

  <VueErrorBoundary @caputred="caputedEmit">
    <Son />

    <template #fallback="errors">
      <FallbackComponent v-bind="errors" />



Veboundary captures errors through onErrorCaptured. If you also use onErrorCaptured in the parent component, errors will not be captured. If you want to capture errors in the parent component, you can pass in the propagation prop.

TIPS: If exclude is true, the onErrorCaptured of the parent component must catch errors, even if false is passed in from the propagation.About exclude, we will mention it later.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import VueErrorBoundary from 'veboundary';
import Son from './son.vue';
import FallbackComponent, from './fallback.vue';

  <VueErrorBoundary propagation>
    <Son />

    <template #fallback="errors">
      <FallbackComponent v-bind="errors" />


If you only want to catch some errors, you can pass in include:string[] | RegExp or exclude:string[] | RegExp props.

TIPS: If include or exclude is of type string[], will match error.message and, if include or exclude is of type RegExp, only match error.message

<script lang="ts" setup>
import VueErrorBoundary from 'veboundary';
import Son from './son.vue';
import FallbackComponent, from './fallback.vue';

 const regexp = /^(throwReferenceError|throwError)$/;
 const list = ['network some error', 'TypeError']

  <VueErrorBoundary :include="list" :exclude="regexp">
    <Son />

    <template #fallback="errors">
      <FallbackComponent v-bind="errors" />


If exclude is true, errorCaptured emit will not be triggered. If you want to trigger emit when exclude is true, you can pass in keepEmit.

<script lang="ts" setup>
import VueErrorBoundary,{VueErrorBoundaryEmit} from 'veboundary';
import Son from './son.vue';
import FallbackComponent, from './fallback.vue';

 const regexp = /^(throwReferenceError|throwError)$/;
 const list = ['network some error', 'TypeError']

 const caputedEmit: VueErrorBoundaryEmit = function ({ error, instance, info }) {

  <VueErrorBoundary :include="list" :exclude="regexp" @caputred="caputedEmit" keep-emit>
    <Son />

    <template #fallback="errors">
      <FallbackComponent v-bind="errors" />


You can view the examples used with suspense+vue-query in the codesandbox


It is not necessary to obtain reset and error through props,more convenient to use hook.

const {error, reset} = useBoundary();
console.log(error?.message, error?.name);


Support Vue devtools.You can view the error information and other contents in the developer tool.

You can add an id to the component for marking. If no id is passed in, VeBoundary will automatically generate an id as a mark.Be careful not to duplicate id, data with the same id will be overwritten.