This code is for learning maskrcnn algorithm from I have make very detailed code annotation for it. And I have created a ros node of maskrcnn for robot grasping.
- make detailed code annotation
- write a ros node of maskrcnn
- write a data augmentation python script to generate more data
- mrcnn files:core algorithm of maskrcnn
- augmentation
- train and test
- MaskRCNNTrainGraph.mmap:flow chart of maskrcnn algorithm
- ros node of maskrcnn inference
You should install following libraries:
numpy scipy Pillow cython matplotlib scikit-image tensorflow>=1.3.0 keras>=2.0.8 opencv-python h5py imgaug IPython
- Pre-trained model:Baidu Disk,code:8wiu
- Trained model for workpiece:Baidu Disk,code:qzl9 The workpiece is as following: