Currently, everytime you make a change to the link in localstorage.js, you would need to rebuild by doing
npm run build
, and then run dev again. -
Need to create a save/post request on each click of a repo item. Or, keep it as a post request every second, to optimize calls to the DB.
Need to create a get request on first load of page.
Unrelated to this repo, but need to figure out where/.how to host the server ; (whatsapp-poppin server repo)
toDO : Figure out why /save is getting hit twice on every click.
- [] stop using throttle, or, continue to use throttle, and save data in DB intermittently.
When making a fetch/post, ORDER COUNTS!!!. I spent ages (2 hours) figuring out why req.body on the backend was an empty object, only to notice that I had put the body property before the headers property...... when the correct format is : { method: 'POST', headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", }, body: reponame }
- way to spend a sunday evening ! :D :D
A thunk is a function that returns a function, like a closure, but has a dispatch method and a getState method that can be used to control when you dispatch actions. By default, Redux action creators do not support Asynchronus code, but with Thunk, it becomes posssible.
To view data on PG Admin... Locate the 'object browser' on the left side of the screen Double-click on PostgresSQL 9.x Double-click on Databases Double-click on esp_mdphnet Expand schemas, esp_mdphnet, and Tables Right-click on the table that you wish to view Select View Data, then View All Rows