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Ypdf Release

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@yakovypg yakovypg released this 09 Aug 11:24
· 1 commit to master since this release


Release notes

  • Add Desktop version of the tool.
  • Add the ability to configure watermark text allocation.
  • Add the ability to configure watermark border.
  • Fix bugs with redirecting python output.


  • ypdf- CLI version for linux-x64.
  • ypdf- CLI version for osx-x64.
  • ypdf- CLI version for windows-x64.
  • YpdfDesktop- Desktop version for linux-x64.
  • YpdfDesktop- Desktop version for osx-x64.
  • YpdfDesktop- Desktop version for windows-x64.


To use the built project, follow these steps:

  1. Download and unzip the archive with the version for your operating system and architecture.
  2. Move the folder to any place convenient for you. The tool does not create any files outside of its directory.
  3. Go to this folder and run the executable file.

You can also create a shortcut to the executable file and put it in a convenient place for you.

Please note that if you want to run the CLI version of the tool, run the executable file from
the console/terminal. For example, you can find out the version of the tool using the on of the command

On Windows.

ypdf --version

On Linux and Mac.

./ypdf --version

Desktop vesion of the tool can also be launched from the console/terminal using the on of the command below.

On Windows.


On Linux and Mac.
