Version 1.0 Naive Black Jack Sat Feb 15 2020 13:43:14 GMT+1100 (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) Author Maurice Mingli Yang [email protected]
Initialise the deck (shuffle): Generate an array with a length of 52; [bjDeck] Generate a random number [0-51]. If it is in the initial array, put it in new random array and delete it from initial array till all elements have been put into the new array; {shuffleDeck} Let the initial array equal the new random array; Dummy deck can put into {shuffleDeck} function;
Give the value and character to each cards [0-51]
Deal card: Clear the flags, parameters and html elements;{clear} There is a global index that counts the card sequence;[index] For each card dealt, parameter is the p element id;[p id p0-p9 d0-d9] For each card dealt, there is card value return and index number increase;{dealCard} The card is only put in the p elements that initialised at the beginning; innerHTML One card for dealer and two cards for player. [p id dealer, player, player2]
Hit: {hit} Can occur only player hand less or equal to 21, otherwise bust and stop the game; {announceWinner}[flag = false]
Stay: {stay} Dealer will draw cards: a.Dealer bust, stop the game;{announceWinner}[flag = false] b.Dealer has hand over 16, compare who is bigger then;{announceWinner}[flag = false]
Ace solution: Set default value 11; Count the Ace numbers for both player and dealer; If Ace number large than 0 and bust, decrease the Ace number and total value minus 10; So basically parameter [playerAceCount] and [dealerAceCount] are counting the Aces that is not 1;
Functions hopefully implement in the future: Split and Double; More than 1 deck maybe 8; Give a real card for each card draw;{image} Win rate of each hand and recommendations of hit stay split and double;