Full stack dashboard using flask and React/Redux + typescript. A sudo ETL pipeline is setup using Scrapy and docker to obtain HRSA Program Integrity Data. The data is adjusted to feed a Restapi using Scrapy items and pipelines. The api uses flask, sqlalchemy, marshmallow and webargs to allow for specific data queries and summaries. A modular "dataService" is used for the front end to allow a deployable version of the dashboard to github pages with data being embedded in the js bundle. The "dataService" is swappable on build using env vars.
Interactive Medicare charge/reimbursement geomap. A large CMS data set (over 10 million records) with historical data on provider charges and medicare reimbursement was manipulated using python and geomapped with the help of geocod.io. Django Rest Framework was used to develop a RestApi, while React with the help of leafletjs was used to create the map.
ASP dosing and reimbursement calculator. This calculator is generated using create-react-app and various python data analysis libraries. Data sets from CMS were manipulated and combined to create a single usable json file which feeds the calculator UI
This repo is an example setup for d3 integration for react. It allows for pannable, zoomable and resposive svg charts.