TQSLE v1.0 released
author: Huiguang Yi ([email protected])
Current version is based on x86_64 linux system
- gcc && gfortran (make sure gfortran is installed)
- intel mkl BLAS (Recommended) or OpenBLAS or native BLAS (not Recommended)
- SuiteSparse (need CHOLMOD module)
If intel mkl is available
make MKL_LIB=dir_path_contain_your_mkl_lib MKL_IOMP5=dir_path_contain_your_mkl_iomp5
Else If OpenBLAS/other BLAS is available
make BLAS_LIB=dir_path_contain_your_openblas
Else Use OpenBLAS in the repo
# index construction
tqsle index -f<mean fragment size> -i <reference.fa> -o <outpath>
# quantification
tqsle quant -i <indexpath> -o <outputpath> <reads.fastq>
Huiguang Yi and others, A fast and globally optimal solution for RNA-seq quantification, Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2023;, bbad298, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbad298