Dyalog APL script to perform grain growth simulations. The model is a slightly simplified version of:
Download and extract into some directory.
First, make sure Dyalog
version 18.2 or higher is installed,
and set the simulation parameters editing the gg.json
(the comments in the file explain the meaning of each parameter).
Then, run the gg.apls
script on a command window
or double-click the corresponding icon.
Alternatively, from the Dyalog interpreter:
2⎕FIX{⍵⌿⍨(' '=⊃¨⍵)∨':{}'∘(∨/∊)¨⍵}⊃⎕NGET'gg.apls'1
The script 'plotgg.m' can be used to plot the initial and final microstructures with MTEX. Eg:
[email protected] 2023