- Available at https://github.com/fwang91/IMDb-Face (IMDb-Face.csv)
For fast processing, multi processing is supported with concurrent.futures module.
- Download 'IMDb-Face.csv' file from https://drive.google.com/open?id=134kOnRcJgHZ2eREu8QRi99qj996Ap_ML
python imdb_crawl.py
- Arguments
-c: whether you crop the image with bounding box -d: delete existing data directory be
- If you save non-cropped image, corresponding bounding box will also be recorded in bb.txt file for each direcory.
- Make sure 'IMDb-Face.csv' and 'imdb_crawl.py' are located in same directory.
To run megaface test including identification(1m distractors), verification(@1e-6),
- Download distractors and probe dataset
- Preprocess dataset
- Generate bin files with a trained face recognition model
- Run megaface devkit
- Distractors
wget -c --user 'id' --password 'pwd' http://megaface.cs.washington.edu/dataset/download/content/MegaFace_dataset.tar.gz
- Facescrub
wget -c --user 'id' --password 'pwd' http://megaface.cs.washington.edu/dataset/download/content/downloaded.tgz
python facescrub.py
But, many urls can not be accessed.
- Both datasets can be accessed at http://megaface.cs.washington.edu/participate/challenge.html
- Dataset structure
MEGAFACE -- distractors -- parent id -- ids -- images | |- json file for each image | |- facescrub -- ids -- images, bb.txt |- bb.txt
- Facescrub bounding box file
- facescrub.py
- Need
facescrub bounding box actor.txt
,facescrub bounding box actress.txt
files at megaface - Arguments
- txt_files: [facescrub_actor.txt, facescrub_actress.txt] - timeout: timeout seconds for accessing url (need for downloading image)
- This script file can also download image from text files, but many rows have missing urls.
Preprocess with your face detection/alignment model.
- gen_megaface.py (Need your face recognition model)
Make bin files of megaface distractors/facescrub images from trained face recognition model.
- megaface_path: path of pre-processed distractor images - facescrub_path: path of pre-processed facescrub images - megaface_noise: noise list of distractors - facescrub_noise: noise list of facescrub - megaface_bin_path: distractor bins save directory - facescrub_bin_path: facescrub bins save directory - ckpt: trained face recognition model - file_ending: file ending name, ex) _baseline.bin: aaa.jpg -> aaa_baseline.bin
Resulting bin files of gen_megaface.py (ex: file_ending: _baseline.bin_)
_baseline -- facescrub_bin -- ids -- bin files (***_baseline.bin) | |- megaface_bin -- parend id -- ids -- bin files (***_baseline.bin)
On terminal,
python run_experiment.py --file_ending _baseline.bin --out_root baseline_results -d
- Need at least 32G memory
- Need devkit from http://megaface.cs.washington.edu/participate/challenge.html
- bin/FuseResults, Identification
- models/jb_identity.bin, jb_LBP.bin
- templatelists
- Executes identification and verification binary files (bin/Identification, bin/FuseResults).
- Arguments
- distractor_feature_path: distractor bin files path (megaface_bin_path of gen_megaface.py) - probe_feature_path: facescrub bin files path (facescrub_bin_path of gen_megaface.py) - file_ending: file ending format (file_ending of gen_megaface.py) - sizes: number of distractors, set as [1000000]
- binary files (bin/Identification, bin/FuseResults) can be only executed on opencv2.4.
- Megaface devkit
- Can download at http://megaface.cs.washington.edu/participate/challenge.html
- distractor_noise_list, facescrub_noise_list
- Megaface dataset has some noisy dataset (some images in facescrub are included distractors)