This is a repository of Dockerfile including packages and add-ins that are useful for writing articles with R Markdown in Rstudio. This Dockerfile is based on rocker/verse. Installing rstan conducted by the method described in antoine-sachet / rocker-ML.
Maintainer is Yoshihiko Kunisato ([email protected])
Keywords: psychology, cognitive science, rstudio, rstan, rmarkdown
Install "Docker Desktop"
Open "terminal"(Mac) or "Command Prompt"(Windows)
Type the following code to pull a Docker container. Change the "password" and "name_of_container" as you like.
docker run -e PASSWORD=password -p 8787:8787 -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio -d --name paperr ykunisato/paper-r
docker run -e PASSWORD=password -e DISABLE_AUTH=true -p 8787:8787 -v $(pwd):/home/rstudio -d --name paperr ykunisato/paper-r
docker run -e PASSWORD=password -p 8787:8787 -v "%cd%":/home/rstudio -d --name paperr ykunisato/paper-r
Open the web browser and type "http://localhost:8787/" in the URL bar.
You will see the Rstudio on the web browser. Type rstudio in ID column and password that you set in password column.