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Editor API reference

ylemkimon edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 1 revision

There are two main classes used to control the editor:

  • MathYlem: The editor--does rendering, handles keyboard events, interfaces with other classes in the simplest use-case.

  • MathYlemBackend: The business logic of the editor. Understands how to maneuver a cursor through an XML document. An editor instance, say myMathYlem, has an instance of this class as myMathYlem.backend.



  • new MathYlem(mathylem_div, config): mathylem_div is either the div ID or the actual div object that you want turned into a MathYlem editor (e.g. either "mathylem_div_1" or document.getElementById("mathylem_div_1") will work). config is a dictionary that can be null or empty, but may contain the following keys:

    • events: A dictionary of callbacks (omit any that you do not wish to handle) for various events. These will be called with an event argument which will, at a minimum, contain a target element which refers to the MathYlem instance that triggered the event. The following are the events for which callbacks can be registered through the MathYlem constructor:

      • ready: Called when the instance is ready to render things. Argument will be null.

      • change: Called when the editor's content changes. Argument will be a dictionary with keys old and new containing the old and new documents, respectively.

      • left_end: Called when the cursor is at the left-most point and a command is received to move the cursor to the left (e.g., via the left arrow key). Argument will be null.

      • right_end: Called when the cursor is at the right-most point and a command is received to move the cursor to the right (e.g., via the right arrow key). Argument will be null.

      • done: Called when the enter key is pressed in the editor. Argument will be null.

      • completion: Called when the editor outputs tab completion options. Argument is a dictionary with the key candidates, a list of the options for tab-completion.

      • debug: Called when the editor outputs some debug information. Argument is a dictionary with the key message.

      • error: Called when the editor receives an error. Argument is a dictionary with the key message.

      • focus: Called when the editor is focused or unfocused. Argument will have a single key focused which will be true or false according to whether the editor is newly focused or newly unfocused (respectively).

    • options: A dictionary of editor configuration options, with the following keys (all optional):

      • xml_content: An XML string with which to initialise the editor's state. Defaults to <m><e/></m> (the blank expression).

      • autoreplace: A boolean determining whether or not to autoreplace typed text with the corresponding symbols when possible. Defaults to true.

      • blank_caret: A LaTeX string that specifies what the caret should look like when in a blank spot. If left unspecified, defaults to the normal vertical bar caret.

      • empty_content: A LaTeX string that will be displayed when the editor is both inactive and contains no content. Defaults to \color{red}{[?]}.

      • blacklist: A list of string symbol names, corresponding to symbols that should not be allowed in this instance of the editor. Defaults to [] (nothing blacklisted).

    This function should be called for each div that you want to turn into a MathYlem instance.

Static methods

  • MathYlem.init_symbols(symbol_files, callback): symbol_files is a list of URLs of JSON files conaining further symbols that should be accepted by MathYlem. The special string "builtins" may also be included in the list to get MathYlem's built-in symbol definitions (Greek letters, etc.).

    This function should only be called once per page, after all MathYlem instances have been initialised.

    If the same symbol is defined in multiple files in the list, the definition that is used is from whichever file appears later in the symbol_files list. Once all files are loaded, callback will be called if it was passed.

Instance methods

  • get_content(type): type can be "xml", "latex", or "text", and the function will return (respectively) the XML, LaTeX, or ASCII representation of the instance's content.

  • set_content(xml_data): xml_data is a string containing XML that describes a valid MathYlem editor state (e.g. one returned by get_content("xml")). This resets the state of the editor.

  • MathYlem.prototype.activate(): Gives the editor focus.

  • MathYlem.prototype.deactivate(): Unfocuses the editor.

  • MathYlem.instances: This is a dictionary that contains all MathYlem objects on the page , indexed by div ID. So you can access the MathYlem object with MathYlem.instances.mathylem_div_id. If the div did not have an ID, the div will be given one by new MathYlem() that is unique on the page, and will be accessible from that object by, for example, new MathYlem(...)

There are other instance-level functions that may be of use in some circumstances (e.g. for creating a browser-button-based interface):


  • backend: An instance of MathYlemBackend that can be used for programatically manipulating the editor (e.g. myMathYlem.backend.left() will move the cursor one spot to the left).


Instance methods

  • left() and right() will move the cursor left and right (respectively).

  • sel_left() and sel_right() will move the cursor left and right (respectively) while selecting (the equivalent of using the left and right arrows while also holding down shift).

  • sel_cut(), sel_copy() and sel_paste() cut, copy, and paste (respectively) the current selection, if any.

  • sel_clear() and sel_delete() will clear and delete (respectively) the current selection.

  • sel_all() will select the entire contents of the editor.

  • home() and end() will go to the start/end of the editor content, respectively.

  • list_extend(direction, copy) is the function for extending a list when the cursor is inside it. direction should be "up", "down", "right", or "left", indicating the direction from the cursor in which the new row/column/element should be added. If 1-dimensional, right/left add a new element and up/down do nothing. If 2-dimensional, right/left add a new column to the right/left of the current one, while up/down add a new row above/below the current one. copy is a boolean--true if the new row/column/element should be a copy of the current one, and false if it should be blank.

  • list_remove(), list_remove_col() and list_remove_row() are the functions for removing, respectively, an element from a 1D list, a column from a 2D array, or a row from a 2D array.

  • up() and down() are the functions for moving up and down within a 2D array.

  • backspace(), delete_key(), spacebar(), and backslash() will do the same thing as hitting the Backspace, Delete, space, or backslash keys, respectively.

  • undo() and redo() will undo and redo the previous operation (respectively).

  • insert_string(s) will insert the string s it at the current cursor position.

  • insert_symbol(sym_name) will take the string name of a symbol (from any of the files loaded by MathYlem.get_symbols) and insert it at the current cursor position.

  • add_symbols(name, symbol) will add the symbol from the symbol dictionary to the symbol dictionary of that instance of the editor only.

  • add_symbol_raw(name, latex, text, group) will add a symbol to the symbol dictionary with name name, LaTeX representation latex, text representation text, and group group.

  • add_symbol_func(name, group) will add a function symbol to the symbol dictionary with name name, LaTeX representation \\name(), text representation name(), and group group.

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