This is a ROS package.
Requirements :
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
- ROS kinetic
- catkin tools
First clone this repository in your catkin workspace :
cd catkin_ws
catkin_ws git clone <url>
Then build using catkin tools
catkin build
Finally source
source /devel/setup.bash
Now you are ready for next section.
You can easily launch all nodes required to use the Robot by typing in a terminal :
roslaunch heron heronController.launch
Then simply power on the Xbox controller and you can start moving the base around !
Here is a list of the nodes :
- drive
- odom
- controller
- joy_node (from external package xbox_controller)
- Sets up the communication between the computer and the physical RoboteQ drivers.
- Sends commands to control the motors via the drivers.
- Gets feedbacks from encoders and publishes them.
Based on the API provided by RoboteQ the drivers manufacturer.
Computes and publishes odometry over ROS using tf.
Translates inputs from Xbox controller to Twist to make the robot move.
Useful command :
rosnode info <node>
Topics are defined under a namespace. If you have a fleet of robots that operate on one ROS_MASTER, you will have those topics preceded by the name of each robot.
For example : My robot is named Heron01 The following topics will be
Topic | message type | Publisher Node | Subscriber Node |
cmd_vel |
Twist | controller | drive |
odom |
Odometry | odom | |
sensor_encs |
custom | drive | odom |
joy |
Joy | joy_node (from external package) | controller |
Useful commands :
rostopic list
rostopic echo <topic>
rostopic pub <topic> <message type> <data>