File and folder CLI name modifier on the all system
Replace a string by another string in file/folder names such as spaces by underscores. This tool permits to perform massive and controlled file/folder name modifications over the all file system in an intuitive and pleasant way. The modfname process can be done recursively from a defined path or directly on specific paths.
With pip:
sudo pip3 install modfname
With yay:
yay -a modfname
With yaourt:
yaourt -a modfname
python >= 3
modfname [-i] [-d] [-r] [-p] [--initial INITIAL_STRING_01 INITIAL_STRING_02 ...] [--destination DESTINATION_STRING] [--paths PATH_01 PATH_02 ...] [--recursive] [--end_param] options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i, --initial, --init initial strings INITIAL_STRING_01 INITIAL_STRING_02 ... to be replaced -d, --destination, --dest destination string DESTINATION_STRING to replace any INITIAL_STRING_01 INITIAL_STRING_02 ... -r, --recursive, --rec modify file/folder names recursively from a defined path given by --paths PATH -p, --paths define the specific paths PATH_01 PATH_02 ... to apply the modification or the path to perform recursively the modification from -end_param, --end precise the end of a parameter enumeration
For help:
modfname -h
modfname --help
Specific modification file/folder name from spaces to underscores on "Test folder" folder and "Test folder/the test" file:
modfname -i " " -d "_" -p "Test folder" "Test folder/the test"
modfname -initial " " -destination "_" --end_param "Test folder" "Test folder/the test"
Recursive file/folder name modification from "é" to "e" from the "~/Téléchargements" folder:
modfname -i "é" -d "e" -p ~/Téléchargements
modfname -i "é" -d "e" --end ~/Téléchargements
Some useful bash aliases with modfname:
# Spaces to underscores modification on file/folder name for the specified paths
alias modfnamespacesto_='modfname -i " " -d "_" -p'
# Spaces to underscores modification on file/folder name in the local folder path
alias modfnamespacesto_local='modfname -i " " -d "_" -l -p'
# Spaces to underscores modification on file/folder name recursively from the precise folder path
alias modfnamespacesto_recursive='modfname -i " " -d "_" -r -p'
# To lowercase on file/folder name for the specified paths
alias modfnamelower='modfname --lowercase -p'
# To lowercase on file/folder name in the local folder path
alias modfnamelowerlocal='modfname --lowercase -l -p'
# To lowercase on file/folder name recursively from the precise
alias modfnamelowerrecursive='modfname --lowercase -r -p'
# To uppercase on file/folder name for the specified paths
alias modfnameupper='modfname --uppercase -p'
# To uppercase on file/folder name in the local folder path
alias modfnameupperlocal='modfname --uppercase -l -p'
# To uppercase on file/folder name recursively from the precise
alias modfnameupperrecursive='modfname --uppercase -r -p'