Dynamically generate GitHub stats looking like a Terminal Interface
- Create a new repository using this template or click here to create.
- Create the personal access token. Checkout this link to create a personal access token.
- Add a new repository secret to your repo. The name of the secret must be
and the value is your personal access token (PAT). Checkout this link to add a new repository secret. - Enable
Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests
in General Action Settings
More Details
To allow GitHub Actions to commit and push changes, follow these steps:
1️⃣ Go to Settings → Developer settings → Personal access tokens.
2️⃣ Click on Generate a new token (classic).
3️⃣ Select the required scopes:
- ✅
→ Full control of private repositories. - ✅
→ Allows GitHub Actions to trigger workflows.
1️⃣ Go to Repository Settings → Secrets and Variables → Actions.
2️⃣ Click New Repository Secret.
3️⃣ Name it GHT and paste the copied PAT in the input box.
4️⃣ Save it.
1️⃣ Go to your GitHub Repository Settings.
2️⃣ Navigate to Actions under Code and Automation.
3️⃣ Select General from the dropdown.
4️⃣ Scroll down to Workflow Permissions.
5️⃣ Choose Read and write permissions.
6️⃣ Save the settings. ✅
Manual Execution
1️⃣ Navigate to the Actions tab in your repository.
2️⃣ Under All Workflows, select the main.yml
file to run.
3️⃣ Click Run Workflow to manually trigger the workflow for testing.
Automated Execution
The workflows are scheduled to run automatically at defined UTC times.
After a successful run, your generated files can be embedded into your README file. 📄
The file github_stats.svg
is an svg image of your github stats. You can copy the link of the image and use it anywhere. By default it updates daily at 2:47 UTC
. You can also change this by changing the cron in /.github/workflows/main.yml
by using Cron Generator.
Currently only nine themes are available. The default theme is the ubuntu theme. You can change the theme by changing the command in /.github/workflows/main.yml
node updater.js ${{ github.repository_owner }} <themeName>
To use a random theme, do not specify any arguments.
Theme Sample | Theme Name | Theme Sample | ThemeName |
ubuntu | hacker | ||
atom | googledark | ||
default | googlelight | ||
dracula | monokai | ||
github | powershell |
Contributions, issue and pull requests are welcome
Svg Generated from termtosvg