This repo contains code for the experimental part of the paper "Revisiting Multi-Permutation Equivariance Thourgh The Lens of Irreducible Representations".
To install the necessary dependencies for this component, create the environment using the provided environment.yml file by running the following commands:
conda env create -f dependencies.yml
conda activate weis_dis
Download the datasets from Here.
Unzip the downloaded file and place the data in the Wasserstein_Distance
Choose one of the datasets of ncircle3, ncircle6, random, mn_small(modelnet small), mn_large(modelnet large), rna(RNA) named set_name. After downloading the data, please run the following command to start the training process:
cd Wasserstein_Distance/script
python --dataset_name set_name
conda create --name deep-align python=3.9
conda activate deep-align
conda install pytorch==2.0.1 torchvision==0.15.2 torchaudio==2.0.2 pytorch-cuda=11.7 -c pytorch -c nvidia
cd DWS
pip install -r requirements.txt
Choose set_type to be mnist
or cifar
To run the MLP experiments, first download the data:
mkdir -p datasets
wget "" -P data/datasets
unzip -q data/datasets/ -d data/datasets/samples
To run the MLP experiments, first download the data:
mkdir -p datasets
wget "" -P data/datasets
unzip -q data/datasets/ -d data/datasets/samples
python code/experiments/utils/data_utils/ --set_type set_type
For our model with the shared layers run:
python code/experiments/mlp_image_classifier/ --set_type set_type --shared True
For the baseline of Siamese model, run:
python code/experiments/mlp_image_classifier/ --set_type set_type --shared False
title={Revisiting Multi-Permutation Equivariance through the Lens of Irreducible Representations},
author={Yonatan Sverdlov and Ido Springer and Nadav Dym},