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RESTful json API Boilerplate Object with Decorator, Params checker, Koajs 2

BABEL + Javascript version

A RESTful json API boilerplate with Typescript, Koajs 2, @ Decorators, and much more...

  export default class RouteUsers extends Route {

    // get route: http://localhost:3000/users/get/:id
      path: 'get/:id'
    async get(ctx) {

    // post route: http://localhost:3000/users/add
      bodyType: Types.object().keys({
        email: Types.string().required(), // return an 400 if the body doesn't contain email key
        name: Types.string().uppercase(), // optional parameter
    async add(ctx) {
      const body = this.body(ctx); // or ctx.request.body
      // body can contain only an object with email and name field
      this.sendCreated(ctx, body);



  • What's in this boilerplate ?
  • Get started
  • Router with decorator

What's in this boilerplate ?

  • koa-smart Framework based on Koajs2, this allow you to develop RESTful API with : Class, Decorator, Params checker
  • babel to use the latest javascript version
  • nodemon allows to automatically restart your API whenever you change a file during development.
  • eslint with ES7 thanks to babel-eslint

Directory structure

The repository root contains auxiliary files like package.json, .gitignore, etc.

  • src: the actual app's code is stored here
    • locales: all files needed to Internationalize your api (I18n)
    • routes: API endpoints go here, all files extending the RouteBase class will be loaded automatically
    • middleware: custom middleware for your application, written koa-style.

Get started

Clone this repository, remove the .git directory, run git init, and adjust details in package.json.

Before installing, download and install Node.js. Node.js v8.9.1 or higher will be required.

  • Install package npm install
  • Run Dev yarn dev OR npm run dev
  • Run Test yarn test OR npm run test
  • Build the Prod yarn build-prod OR npm run build-prod
  • Run Prod yarn prod OR npm run prod

Router with decorator

All routes have to extend the Route class in order to be added, and have to be inside the routes folder see koa-smart for more informations


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