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Given a context-free or context-sensitive grammar, generate random strings with probabilities for generation likelihood.

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A Probability-based Random String Generator 🐙


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Grammar Tools Documentation

alt text

  1. Purpose
  2. Sequence Wrappers
  3. Productions
  4. Modeling a Grammar
  5. Example


GrammarTools is a library created in python that is used to make it simple for users to represent grammars, and use our library to generate random sentences based on these grammars. The main use of this sentence generator would be to test parsers for a language, by taking the sentences as input.

GrammarTools gives users the option to model both context-free grammars and context-sensitive grammars and use these models to generate random typed sentences in an intuitive way.

Sequence Wrappers

Our library has a variety of wrappers, and gives the user the option to represent an entire grammar including a start symbol, terminals, non-terminals and a list of productions. The library can also be used to model a single production.

Productions are modeled as a list of production objects. These objects include the basics of grammars: repetition of a sequence, alternative options, and optional sequences.

Each wrapper also comes with an evaluate() function for testing purposes, as well as a unique __repr__() function for accuracy when testing.


Sequences that can be repeated by the grammar are represented in the Repeat object. For example { "abcd" } would be represented as:

    abcd = Repeat(["abcd"])

The Repeat object takes the value to be repeated (wrapped in a list) as it's first parameter. The Repeat object also has two optional parameters, min and max. These are the minimum and maximum times the sequence can be repeated. If the user does not pass in the min or max parameter they are set to 0 and 5 respectively.

Pythons' dynamic typing allows us to support multiple types to be included in the repeat sequence. The value to be repeated can be a string value, an integer, a double, another sequence wrapper or any combination of these. For example:

    value = Repeat(Optional(["hello"]))

is a valid representation, as well as:

    value = Repeat(["abcd", 1, Optional(["hello"])])

Each of our wrappers comes with an evaluate() function that can be used for testing. For example, let's use the object from above:

    abcd = Repeat(["abcd"])
    abcd.evaluate() #returns ['abcd', 'abcd', 'abcd']


Sequences that can occur 0 or 1 times in the grammar are represented in the Optional object. For example, [ "abcd" ] would be represented as:

    abcd = Optional(["abcd"])

Just like our Repetition object, pythons' dynamic typing allows us to wrap another object from GrammarTools in an Optional wrapper. Also, we can wrap a list of multiple types just like when we use Repetition. The Optional wrapper only takes one parameter, the sequence that is optional.

    value = Optional(Repeat(["hello"]))

This would be a representation of the EBNF sequence [ { "hello" } ]

For testing, we can use our evaluate() function on the object to ensure the sequence wrapper is working correctly. For example, let's use the example above:

    value = Optional(Repeat(["hello"])
    value.evaluate() #could return [] or ['hello', 'hello']


Alternations represent choice in a grammar. The Alternation object takes a list of Alternate objects as it's only parameter, and uses the probabilities of each option to evaluate the sequence.

Each alternate option in the alternations is represented by an Alternate object. This is a wrapper similar to the above objects, except it has two fields: content and probability. The content field can contain one of the above wrappers, or a list of the sequence (the list can contain any type! --> for example ["ok"] and ["hello", 1, 3] are both valid). The probability field contains a float up to two decimal places to represent the percentage.

For example, we can have "a" | "b" and each option would have a percentage attached. If we wanted to attach the percentages 60% and 40% respectively, we would represent the options by creating an Alternation object, which takes a list of Alternate objects as a parameter.

    Alternation([Alternate(["a"], 0.6), Alternate(["b"], 0.4)])

The Alternate object can also take another object as the content field. For example, the sequence "a" | { "b" } with percentages 40% and 60% respectively would be represented by:

    Alternation([Alternate(["a"], 0.4), Alternate(Repeat(["b"], 0.6)])

We can also use the evaluate() function on our alternate object for testing purposes. Since our Alternation object has to deal with probabilities, we use a weighted random choice to pick the outcome of the Alternation sequence. For an example, we used the following block of code to test the accuracy of our weighted probabilities:

    test = Alternation([Alternate(["d"], 0.33), Alternate(Repeat(["e"]), 0.33), Alternate(["f"], 0.33)])
    d, e, f = 0, 0, 0

    for i in range (10000):
        sample = test.evaluate()
        if 'd' in sample:
            d += 1
        elif 'e' in sample:
            e += 1
        elif 'f' in sample:
            f += 1

    total = d + e + f

    print ('total: ' + str(total))
    print ('percent d: ' + str(d / total))
    print ('percent d: ' + str(e / total))
    print ('percent f: ' + str(f / total))


Our implementation now supports two different types of productions. The first production object is called Production, and it is used in our Grammar class which represents a context-free grammar. The second production object is called SensitiveProduction and it is used in our CSGrammar class which represents our context-sensitive grammars.

The Production object

We can model productions using a list of sequence wrappers. The Production class takes two parameters, the non-terminal it represents as the LHS and a list of the sequence wrappers as the RHS of the production.

For example, the production A -> "a" | { "b" } | [ "c" ] with percentages 40% , 30% and 30% respectively would be modeled like so:

    prod = Production("A", [Alternation(Alternate(["a"], 0.4), Alternate(Repeat(["b"]), 0.3), Alternate(Optional(["c"]), 0.3))])

An example of a production with a sequence of possibilities would be the production A -> "a" { "a" } [ "b" ]. This would be represented like so:

    prod = Production("A", [["a"], Repeat(["a"]), Optional(["b"])])

Each Production object also comes with an evaluate function, just like each of our sequence wrappers. This function returns whatever sentence the single production it was used on produces. For example, we can use the production above:

    prod = Production("A", ["a", Repeat(["a"]), Optional(["b"])])
    print (prod.evaluate()) #prints 'a a a a b'

Each Production object also comes with a unique __repr__() function, which returns the production modeled in EBNF form. For example:

    prod = Production("A", [["a"], Repeat(["a", 1]), Optional(["b", 2])])
    print (prod) #prints `A ::= a { a } [ b ]`

The SensitiveProduction object

The SensitiveProduction object is used to represent productions in a context-sensitive grammar. Since a production in a context-sensitive grammar can match a sequence instead of just a one-word non-terminal (for example, A a B -> a C d), representing the production is a bit trickier.

The LHS of the production is represented by a list of non-terminals and terminals. For example,

    sensitive_production_lhs = ["a", "A", "c"]

The RHS of the production is represented the same way as our Production class - using a list to represent the sequence that the production generates. For example:

    sensitive_production_rhs = ["a", "b", "A", "c"]

Similarly to the Production object, you can use extra brackets for nesting. For example, if the rhs was modelled like this:

    sensitive_production_rhs = ["a", ["b, "A"], "c"]

it would produce a different output when evaluated. The SensitiveProduction class also has an evaluate() function for testing purposes. An example of it being used can be found be below:

    prod = SensitiveProduction(["a", "A", "c"], [["a", ["b", "A"]], "c"])
    print (prod.evaluate())

    prod = SensitiveProduction(["a", "A", "c"], ["a", "a", Repeat(["a"])])
    print (prod.evaluate())

    #sample output
    [['a', ['b', 'A']], 'c']
    ['a', 'a', ['a', 'a']]

Modelling a Grammar

We can model two different types of grammars, context-sensitive grammars as well as context-free grammars. Context-free grammars are modeled by the CFGrammar class and context-sensitive grammars are modeled by the CSGrammar class.

The CFGrammar class

The CFGrammar object is what we use to generate our random sentences. The constructor takes 5 arguments:

  • A list of non-terminal information
  • A list of terminal information
  • A start symbol
  • A list of productions

An example of defining a grammar is shown below:

    grammar = CFGrammar(non_terminals, terminals, start_symbol, productions)
Non-Terminals (1st Param)

The non-terminal information is simply a list of each non-terminal in string form. For example:

    non_terminals = ["first", "second", "third"]
Terminal Information

The terminal information is simply a list of each terminal in string form. For example:

    terminals = ["a", "b", "c", "d"]
Start Symbol (3rd Param)

The start symbol is simply the first production we will start at when generating the random sentence, and it is in string form. For example:

    start_symbol = "first"
Productions (4th Param)

In the above section we went over how to create a production using our Production type, and this parameter simple contains a list of the productions. For example, assuming production_one, production_two and production_three are of the type Production:

    productions = [production_one, production_two, production_three]

The CSGrammar class

The CSGrammar class is used to model context-sensitive grammars. The parameters it takes when instantiated are the same as the above CFGrammar class.

However, there are two important distinctions between the CSGrammar class and the CFGrammar class.

The CSGGrammar class only takes productions modeled by the SensitiveProduction object, whereas CFGrammar takes productions modeled by the Production object.

    prod = SensitiveProduction(["a", "A", "c"], [["a", ["b", "A"]], "c"])

As well, the start_symbol for CSGrammar must be wrapped in a list.

    start_symbol = "first"

Generating Random Sentences

The purpose of modeling grammars using our classes CFGrammar and CSGrammar is to generate random sentences with the extensions our project provides (probability and typing).

We made our own algorithms to generate these sentences from the modeled grammar and for both objects you can generate sentences using the same function: genRandSentence()

The function genRandSentence() takes one parameter --> the production you would like to start producing a sentence at. For most users, you would start producing from the start symbol. An example of the process of generating a sentence is below:

    grammar = CSGrammar(non_terminals, terminals, start_symbol, prods)

Once the sentence is generated, the output can be found in the object variable output corresponding to the grammar object. For example:

    print (grammar.output)

would print the generated sentence in list form.


The Output class is was designed to improve readibility and to create useful output type for grammar.output. Where grammar.output may maintain the original types, it may be confusing due to nested lists as well weakly typed programs may struggle to interpret the output. Therefore, the Output returns a clean string with included whitespace.

To use output, a new output object is to be created with grammar.output as the parameter. The command .returnString() will return the output all converted to strings. Therefore,


can be used to convert any grammaroutput to all strings.

Example Poetry Grammar

Here is a grammar that generates 'poetry'. Of course, it faces the same challenges of turning a formal language (English) into a rigorous one.

    start_symbol = "S"
    terminals = ["dog", "cat", "clouds", "sun", "earth", "monsoon"]
    non_terminals = ["NP", "VP", "PN", "ART", "VERB", "NOUN", "ADJ", "PREP"]

    production_S_lhs = "S"
    production_S_rhs = ["NP", "VP"]
    production_S = Production(production_S_lhs, production_S_rhs)

    production_NP_lhs = "NP"
    production_NP_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate(["ART", "NOUN"], 0.2), Alternate(["ART", "ADJ", "NOUN"], 0.5), Alternate(["PN"], 0.3)])]
    production_NP = Production(production_NP_lhs, production_NP_rhs)

    production_VP_lhs = "VP"
    production_VP_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate(["VERB", "NP"], 0.2), Alternate(Repeat(["VERB", "PREP", "NP"]), 0.8)])]
    production_VP = Production(production_VP_lhs, production_VP_rhs)

    production_PN_lhs = "PN"
    production_PN_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate("Siberia", 0.4), Alternate("El Dorado", 0.2), Alternate("Earth", 0.4)])]
    production_PN = Production(production_PN_lhs, production_PN_rhs)

    production_ART_lhs = "ART"
    production_ART_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate("a", 0.4), Alternate("the", 0.6)])]
    production_ART = Production(production_ART_lhs, production_ART_rhs)

    production_VERB_lhs = "VERB"
    production_VERB_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate("smiles", 0.4), Alternate("sings", 0.1), Alternate("reprimands", 0.1), Alternate("reviles", 0.1), Alternate("revolves", 0.1), Alternate("resides", 0.1), Alternate("relaxes", 0.1)])]
    production_VERB = Production(production_VERB_lhs, production_VERB_rhs)

    production_NOUN_lhs = "NOUN"
    production_NOUN_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate("monster", 0.1), Alternate("flower", 0.1), Alternate("pizza", 0.1), Alternate("dog", 0.1), Alternate("cat", 0.1), Alternate("ocean", 0.1), Alternate("sun", 0.1), Alternate("crevace", 0.1), Alternate("tsunami", 0.1), Alternate("volcano", 0.1)])]
    production_NOUN = Production(production_NOUN_lhs, production_NOUN_rhs)

    production_ADJ_lhs = "ADJ"
    production_ADJ_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate("green", 0.1), Alternate("mean", 0.1), Alternate("lean", 0.1), Alternate("rough", 0.1), Alternate("soft", 0.1), Alternate("bright", 0.1), Alternate("dark", 0.1), Alternate("mellow", 0.1), Alternate("fiery", 0.1), Alternate("mystic", 0.1)])]
    production_ADJ = Production(production_ADJ_lhs, production_ADJ_rhs)

    production_PREP_lhs = "PREP"
    production_PREP_rhs = [Alternation([Alternate("about", 0.1), Alternate("above", 0.1), Alternate("across", 0.1), Alternate("after", 0.1), Alternate("against", 0.1), Alternate("before", 0.1), Alternate("along", 0.1), Alternate("by", 0.1), Alternate("like", 0.1), Alternate("at", 0.1)])]
    production_PREP = Production(production_PREP_lhs, production_PREP_rhs)

    productions = [production_S, production_NP, production_VP, production_PN, production_ART, production_VERB, production_NOUN, production_ADJ, production_PREP]

    grammar = CFGrammar(non_terminals, terminals, start_symbol, productions)

    print (grammar.output)

Some fun poetry

Here are some random poetry we generated:

Untitled 1.

a ocean reviles at the mellow volcano
reprimands by Earth
relaxes at the dark flower
relaxes like Earth
smiles above

Untitled 2.

a bright flower
smiles against
the tsunami

Untitled 3.

the rough tsunami,
the ocean smiles before a ocean reviles above El Dorado
smiles against a green crevace

Untitled 4.

a bright volcano
resides before the fiery ocean

Untitled 5.

the flower
the fiery dog revolves above the flower

Untitled 6.

sneezes like
the tsunami smiles above


Given a context-free or context-sensitive grammar, generate random strings with probabilities for generation likelihood.






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