Dependency: (.el
- init
- init-elpa
- init-use-package
- init-theme
- init-font
- init-paren
- init-whitespace
- init-dashboard
- init-mode-line
- init-smart-mode-line
- init-file
- init-keys
- init-god-mode
- init-which-key
- init-prog-mode
- init-lsp-mode
- init-hungry-delete
- init-ace-window: ace-window, fast window switching.
- [ ] init-multiple-cursors: multiple-cursors
- init-undo-tree
- [ ] init-helm: helm, completions and selections, mini buffer.
- init-company
- init-yasnippet
- init-yasupp: yasupp, yasnippet supplementary
- init-aas
- init-treemacs
- init-imenu-list: imenu-list, collocated with major modes to display code structure.
- init-cpp
- init-yaml
- init-json
- init-latex
- init-markdown
- init-org
- init-python
- init-coq
- init-flycheck
- init-ispell