Depiction is an application built for users who love to customize their device screens with themed wallpapers. The Depiction app provides access to over 200+ high-resolution wallpapers, with more being added regularly. Users can sign in securely with their Google account to upload photos that can be accessed by other users of the app.
In addition to pre-added wallpapers, there is a public channel in the Depiction channel section where users can share their best-clicked photos, accessible to all app users. The app also includes a dedicated categories section for easy browsing based on personal interests.
Depiction includes robust user profile management and securely keeps records of all uploaded files, ensuring data security.
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Depiction is a fully Java-based application developed using Android Studio and currently running on API level 30, compatible with all current devices. It is designed and developed by Yuvraj Singh Yadav.
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- OpenAi (Genrative Images)
- Volley
- RecyclerView
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Database
- Firebase Realtime
- Java Adapters
- Image Caching
- Image Compression
- Image Processing
- Glide
- Permissions
- Networking
- Error Handling
- Material Design
- Data Persistence
Yuvraj Singh |