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lua and moon scripts, macros for Far Manager 3.0

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lua and moon scripts, macros repository for Far Manager 3.0

Far Manager is powerful files and archives manager and first choice Admins for Windows OSes. Far Manager works in text mode and provides a simple and intuitive interface for performing most of the necessary actions: viewing files and directories; editing, copying and renaming files; and MANY other actions.

Far Manager has a built-in scripting languages: lua and moon, which allows you to solve a very wide range of tasks using the Far and Windows API's.

A brief summary of scripts in the repository:



v1.1.2 (4974 bytes, changed 2021-09-03 05:20)

SHA-256 411afd16e69c2b7b4bc63fe0804a5b081a5892dba4c4a3874efa90d04d66edda

Ansi colors for console

Ansi Colors

Tags format: <#xya>, x - foreground color 0..f, y - background color 0..f, a - attributes [rbdiul]

r - restore default color for foreground/background, s - skip, don't change foreground/background color


  local colors = require'ansicolors'

  print(colors('%{bright italic red underline}hello'))

  print(colors('<#ecuib>Hello<#rrr>, World!'))


v0.9.2.4 (24115 bytes, changed 2025-02-23 15:22)

SHA-256 1c3801df371974959e06a816ea84f8f80cad9dd94c068e6ada67f870a5678697

For fast find solution, put the compiled ChessKnight.exe to one folder with ChessKnight.lua


v0.9.2.4 (15943 bytes, changed 2025-02-22 11:10)

SHA-256 1aa381485d7b5de1182f51af91eaaf3841ffa04fcb8c15ac445cae6ed20d84f6

Finding the path of the chess knight. The path can be closed. The chessboard can be up to 127x127 in size, with any aspect ratio. Rules: previously visited squares and squares with holes are not available for moving.

Chess Knight

Launch: in cmdline Far.exe: lua:@ChessKnight.lua


v1.1.2 (2399 bytes, changed 2023-08-20 07:32)

SHA-256 ee1296bf4c455f99d41449810257f76636423e42f35a8272e159467d9f89fd13

Editing command line content in the editor

Keys: F4 in Panel with not empty command line, F2 in editor for save text to command line


v1.1.11.6 (13916 bytes, changed 2024-11-28 09:10)

SHA-256 f6eff85bfa1f90a5c81c0b49ed269daa2bd9f2b258d765fc872c811323f40e48

Resizing dialogs, aligning the positions of dialog elements

Keys: F2 in dialogs or CtrlAltRight or CtrlAltLeft


Based on


v1.1.3.6 (5410 bytes, changed 2022-11-10 17:50)

SHA-256 abc539767024908eabb9fef9751600c7cdc9faf08d2e0b8fbe762d89ba617300

Highlighting Cyrillic and space symbols

Highlight ON

Highlight ON

Highlight OFF

Required: MessageX.lua in modules folder

Keys: F3

author zg, co-author AleXH




v1.2.3.1 (12524 bytes, changed 2021-07-17 05:03)

SHA-256 b1b883f7aca361827213dae91b1862c7cf95ae4e13ab03468c8b1c8867af2525

Filter Duplicates File Names with complex logic


Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.

Tip: In the dialog all elements have prompts, press F1 for help


v1.1.3.6 (5290 bytes, changed 2022-11-10 17:51)

SHA-256 377ddf564e8f64af8afc069f0ccaf4e8a194f6d7311bc91174df20ef6cab8e96

Highlighting mixed Latin and Cyrillic letters in the editor

Mixed latin and cyrillic letters

Required: MessageX.lua in modules folder

Keys: F3

author zg, co-author AleXH




v1.0 (863 bytes, changed 2020-06-09 09:02)

SHA-256 7c0cdf472de926a76334f580227ceeeca5e597cf7ae32714d8b172ae0f8c0a03



v1.3.2.1 (2980 bytes, changed 2021-07-12 18:23)

SHA-256 2dbf102652abcdaef4bce8ed36f64d725497d4259fbff2bfee6fb2394d044f40

Search for lines with minimum and maximum length, excluding the first and last lines, they are often empty


Press the [ Min ] or [ Max ] button for to go to this line

Required: MessageX.lua in the modules folder

Keys: F3


v1.1.2 (6180 bytes, changed 2022-02-18 13:18)

SHA-256 10eb2e8768dbb5ecd904125a1d6ac670484894eb044f0d177ed26aa01a001b37

Tag navigation in files opened in the editor: [dgmsx]?html?, xslt?, [xy]ml

Required: plugin LFSearch (LuaFAR Search) by Shmuel

Keys: Alt[JKLP]


v1.1.0.4 (5760 bytes, changed 2024-09-28 18:16)

SHA-256 cffb87d34d957deec87a74f52a0776f7b932f1e57fc30e24a8bf1a355af49e20

Extend Quit Far Dialog


Required: MessageX.lua in the modules folder

Keys: F10


v1.9.2 (13133 bytes, changed 2024-12-24 09:42)

SHA-256 5375e5c7a73dd0d20b85720b8d0a8c71c0b3fad8f79a682cdd2ef7302963cc36

Opening changelog and updating Far Manager to any version available on the site


Far: press [ Reload last ] to reload the list with files

GitHub: press [ More >> ] to get more files

GitHub: press [ Reload last ] to reload last page with files

GitHub: press [ Reload all ] to reload all pages

GitHub: press [ Goto build ] to go to enter build number

When you run the macro again, the build will be taken from the current line in Far.changelog

Required: curl.exe, nircmd.exe, 7z.exe, requires tuning for local conditions

Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.



v1.0.1.1 (1485 bytes, changed 2023-10-24 18:04)

SHA-256 7a4d07fbbc0371c7da85159d960fb7849d54617a263c98804f41e3ddea100ac0

Visual improvement of HTML-XML code (pretty print), creates a new file name~2.ext

Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.


v0.6.7.9 (9274 bytes, changed 2021-07-29 15:13)

SHA-256 532b2f28cae344de8cef4c94288dd40e7a13769683bf9fdac564188a9567de78

Color MessageX(Msg,Title,Buttons,Flags,HelpTopic,Guid,ExecDelay) module with support default button assignments

MessageX Dialog

Support delay execution in seconds (ExecDelay:integer)

Support flags: "wlcm"

w - warning dialog, l - left align (default center align), c - color mode, m - monochrome mode

without cm will be used raw mode

Tags format: <#xy>, x - foreground color 0..f, y - background color 0..f

r - restore default color for foreground/background, s - skip, don't change foreground/background color

Example message string: "aaa<#e1>bbb<#s2>\nccc<#bs>ddd\neee<#rs>fff<#sr>ggg"

Usage: put MessageX.lua to modules folder

Call in scripts (example):

  local MessageX = require'MessageX'

  MessageX("aaa <#e2>bbb<#s1>\nccc<#bs> ddd\neee<#9s> fff <#sr> ggg <#ec>hhh","MessageX","&Ok;!Ca&ncel","wc","","",11)


v2.0.1.1 (11942 bytes, changed 2021-07-14 11:22)

SHA-256 203eee8dccd80457559ca486a5c49c48ef68de92d765fa1e59be4e1ecbfdfaa7

Panel files sorting by attributes


Keys: CtrlShiftF3 or from Menu "Sort by"

Tip: In the dialog all elements have prompts, press F1 for help



v1.1.0.3 (20461 bytes, changed 2022-11-19 06:51)

SHA-256 4cf377f49c893dd5ccd4d0c89202590279a177a31cb2d1287c846fb073afdca9

Very powerful panel file sorting


Сортировки файлов в панели:
  1. С вводом Offset при нажатии шорката, если вместо ввода числа нажать Enter, то будет использовано прежнее значение. Стартовое значение (по умолчанию) 0, т.е. обычная сортировка по имени.

  2. C вводом Symbols аналогично п.1, значение по умолчанию "-_ ".

п.1 и п.2 с игнорированием символов - игнорируется то, что Майкрософт считает символами.

  1. По группе цифр в имени файла с поиском в прямом, либо обратном направлении.

  2. По подстроке, захваченной регэкспом. Регэкспы можно комментировать, в этом случае первую строку начинаем с -- (2-х минусов), далее комментарий, затем перевод строки и на второй строке пишем сам регэксп. Порядок сортировки можно изменить, добавив в конец регэкспа конструкцию {!:...}, где вместо ... указываем порядок возврата захваченных групп, например {!:$3$2$1}. Для поиска каждой группы по всей строке вне зависимости от их позиции, используется конструкция {?:pat1}{?:pat2}{?:pat3}{!:$3$2$1}, где patN - характерный паттерн группы, захватывается первый совпавший.

  3. По функции пользователя. Примеры:

[x] Offset=0

[x] Func

by BOM
``` lua

  -- by BOM

  local efbbbf,fffe,feff,ffi,sub = '\239\187\191','\255\254','\254\255',require'ffi',string.sub

  local C=ffi.C

  local function bom(fp)

    local res=0

    local f=win.WideCharToMultiByte(ffi.string(fp,tonumber(C.wcslen(fp))*2),65001)


    if h then

      local s=h:read(3) or '' h:close()

      if s==efbbbf then res=3 else s=sub(s,1,2) if s==fffe then res=2 elseif s==feff then res=1 end end


    return res


  return bom(_G.sFuncTbl.fp1)-bom(_G.sFuncTbl.fp2)

by BOM ffi
``` lua

  -- by BOM ffi

  local ffi = require'ffi'

  local C = ffi.C

  local NULL = ffi.cast("void*",0)

  local"unsigned char[3]"


  local mode_in = "\114\0\98\0\0" -- "rb" UTF-16LE..'\0'

  local function bom(fp)

    local res=0

    local f_in=assert(C._wfopen(ffi.cast("wchar_t*",fp),ffi.cast("wchar_t*",mode_in)))

    if f_in~=NULL then


      local n=C.fread(ibuf,1,ffi.sizeof(ibuf),f_in)


      local n,b0,b1,b2 = tonumber(n),tonumber(ibuf[0]),tonumber(ibuf[1]),tonumber(ibuf[2])

      if n==3 and b0==0xef and b1==0xbb and b2==0xbf then res=3

      elseif n>=2 then

        if     b0==0xff and b1==0xfe then res=2

        elseif b0==0xfe and b1==0xff then res=1




    return res


  return bom(_G.sFuncTbl.fp1)-bom(_G.sFuncTbl.fp2)

by FullPath length
``` lua

  -- by FullPath length

  local ffi = require'ffi'

  local C=ffi.C

  return tonumber(C.wcslen(_G.sFuncTbl.fp1))-tonumber(C.wcslen(_G.sFuncTbl.fp2))

by FileName length
``` lua

  -- by FileName length

  return _G.sFuncTbl.ln1-_G.sFuncTbl.ln2

by level Folder
``` lua

-- by level Folder

  local ffi,BS = require'ffi',[[\\]]

  local C=ffi.C

  local _,x1 = regex.gsubW(ffi.string(_G.sFuncTbl.fp1,tonumber(C.wcslen(_G.sFuncTbl.fp1))*2),BS,BS)

  local _,x2 = regex.gsubW(ffi.string(_G.sFuncTbl.fp2,tonumber(C.wcslen(_G.sFuncTbl.fp2))*2),BS,BS)

  return x1-x2

by HEX in FileName
``` lua

  -- by HEX in FileName

  local ffi,RE,huge,gsub = require'ffi','[0-9A-Fa-f]+$',math.huge,string.gsub

  local C=ffi.C

  local function p(s)

    local num=huge

    local fp=ffi.string(s,tonumber(C.wcslen(s))*2)

    local hex=RE:matchW(fp)

    if hex then num=tonumber(gsub(hex,'\000',''),16) end

    return num


  return p(_G.sFuncTbl.fp1)-p(_G.sFuncTbl.fp2)

LastWriteTime in Day
``` lua

  -- by LastWriteTime in Day

  local guid="8EA08735-AF4A-4B90-A79F-6D453ADFA3B6"

  local ffi = require "ffi"

  local C = ffi.C


  if not _G.sFuncTbl[guid] then _G.sFuncTbl[guid]=""

  ffi.cdef [[

    typedef struct { WORD wYear,wMonth,wDayOfWeek,wDay,wHour,wMinute,wSecond,wMilliseconds; } SYSTEMTIME;

    BOOL FileTimeToSystemTime(const FILETIME*, SYSTEMTIME*);

    BOOL SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(void*, const SYSTEMTIME*, SYSTEMTIME*);




  local ft1, ft2, ftmp ="SYSTEMTIME"),"SYSTEMTIME"),"SYSTEMTIME")


  local function ms(st)

    return ((st.wHour*60+st.wMinute)*60+st.wSecond)*1000+st.wMilliseconds 



  C.FileTimeToSystemTime(_G.sFuncTbl.lwt1, ftmp)

  C.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nil, ftmp, ft1)

  C.FileTimeToSystemTime(_G.sFuncTbl.lwt2, ftmp)

  C.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(nil, ftmp, ft2)

  return ms(ft1) - ms(ft2)


Keys: CtrlShiftF3 or from Menu "Sort by"

Tip: In the dialog all elements have prompts, press F1 for help



v1.0.0.1 (1008 bytes, changed 2020-08-20 20:43)

SHA-256 41ceda1e697108c79e9b95525ad5a4f13f07e7c007f712080846b491c5396bac

Custom panel file sorts: by Name with StrCmpLogicalW, by FullPath length

Keys: CtrlShiftF3 or from Menu "Sort by"


v1.0.0.2 (2751 bytes, changed 2021-08-10 21:12)

SHA-256 1267a5362b2d63d09bf74d450a621d8cbd98c6021193735d7243046c466b32bc

(un)HEX selected files, VERY FAST!

Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.

author Shmuel, co-author AleXH


v1.0 (2687 bytes, changed 2020-04-09 09:55)

SHA-256 2f4009b51874478fcf9b5acf75190239e6306c0073aead8a8b5eb9b8db3bd261

Extended lynx-motion style

Very convenient navigation in panels with elevators through empty subfolders and etc.

Keys: Left Right Enter


v1.3 (5653 bytes, changed 2020-05-21 07:09)

SHA-256 05ee4feb9c45b70acf9880455b9052ef0cda666278a89d124a165d2067160ca5

Selection files with BOM

Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.



v1.3.5.0 (15879 bytes, changed 2023-05-19 05:20)

SHA-256 1f7c81bd5b2fbfdb2e244be70d677d7eb7cf95d7195679fa2da239634380c0bf

Select Duplicates File Names in Branch panel with complex logic

For the correct result, set default sorting system settings:

[ ] Treat digits as numbers

[ ] Case sensitive

Column <R> shows the Result of the comparison

The Integrity Checker plugin is required to calculate Hashes


Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.

Tip: In the dialog all elements have prompts, press F1 for help


v1.0.0.1 (2107 bytes, changed 2021-05-17 11:28)

SHA-256 a241b97e3bc46f897e554e9b14735b24847457895d2d7fdbc6fbb02a32953676

Extend Select Folders/Files Dialog


Keys: Grey+ Grey- CtrlF


v1.3.4.0 (4537 bytes, changed 2021-11-30 11:47)

SHA-256 dc009dbb1ae9451ac9a976696408ec22ac699dfe75e5c9e47cfff7ed4384b88d

Extend Panel (Shift)?F[56] Dialog

Hint: Press CtrlR and set replace [x] data for copy the source file to the target file with multiple hardlinks

Required: FAR3 build >= 5467

Keys: none, to use put in the scripts folder


v1.9.0 (9194 bytes, changed 2021-03-31 17:17)

SHA-256 83a1d956dbf0eb0adb8dc24597868e77bb34a872c3febf0b844ee3814e8a1487

Visual Compare files or folders for panels: Files, Branch, Temporary, Arclite, Netbox, Observer, TorrentView.

Note: if more than two files are selected on the active panel for comparison, the AdvCmpEx plugin will be called.

Keys: CtrlAltC

The Exchange of lines between files

Keys: Ins / Del - insert / delete line in active file, F5 / F6 - copying with insertion / substitution line

Keys: AltLeft / AltRight - copy line from right file to left file and vice versa



v1.4.2.3 (3626 bytes, changed 2024-08-16 06:47)

SHA-256 80641302c92b8315646d38b9ae2afab3c2b6009756acb784176205ef7bf6a13a

Comfortable Grep text from files by search pattern to editor

RESearch Grep

Press AltG, MacroBrowserAlt.lua file will be opened in the editor and the cursor will be set to this position on hDlg.


  1. Grep: ♥ Goto this line in this file

  2. Grep: ♦ Save this line in this file

  3. Grep: ♣ Save all lines in this file

  4. Grep: ♠ Save all lines in all files

Required: plugin RESearch or LFSearch

Keys: AltG



v1.0.2 (3538 bytes, changed 2024-08-06 05:05)

SHA-256 0a956866e9e1ce795a6d9ae0a4175185aa432d82fd70bd2190f7b98eb7e4357c

Create btpolicy.xml for uTorrent, with priority peering zone (example for Belarus users)

Keys: launch from Macro Browser alt.


v1.0.5 (3066 bytes, changed 2021-07-08 14:26)

SHA-256 721584597be8e246ea1a5494ff3b25e41f663558f8b0eccba6f4a2d3f1d79ea1

Combining free, frequently updated iptv sheets into one My.m3u, duplicate links removed

Launch: in cmdline Far.exe: lua:@iptv.lua, or lfjit.exe iptv.lua, or lflua.exe iptv.lua


v1.0 (629 bytes, changed 2021-05-21 06:55)

SHA-256 c6246876a21e863f923078f14fae50eb075506818e2bca483f3626bd2d60f130

author Shmuel, 28.05.2020

copy to folder included Moonscript files and run it: lua:@moon2lua.lua

all Moonscript files will be deleted after convert!


linux shell scripts - sh, bash, dash, sash & etc.


22818 bytes, changed 2024-11-29 06:34

SHA-256 44ba55be9a9110d4af52343d270dd394d34269597e513859fd00c04ecc42dfbf

Bash script - interface for Album Player Console

aq script

aq script


h - help, e - exit, x - exit with save path

. - play all music files in folder, just Enter - repeat last command

l - list files in folder, a/z - show previous/next 100 files

c<num> - convert file to /tmp/out.wav, v<num>/u<num> - view ansi/utf-8 file

<num> - play file <num>, p/n - play previous/next file, after Enter Enter ...

<num>.<num>:<num> or <num>:<num> - play file number <num> from min:sec

<num>.<num> or .<num> - play file <num> from track number <num>, if cue sheet loaded

s - stop playback, r - return on jump history, after Enter Enter ...

ro<num>/rw<num> - remount FAT partition as read only/writable, available in /media folder only

cp<num> - copy file to /media/flash, mv<num> - move file, rm<num> - remove file

ap - show active player, ap0 - use auto select player, ap1/ap2 - use player without/with timeshift

i - show name played file and info about it, i<num> - show info about file

t - show time and playing time, tr - reset playback time



lua and moon scripts, macros for Far Manager 3.0






No releases published


No packages published