The MCMC approach was extended in [2009-graphsampling] to mine a sample of all frequent patterns, to mine support-biased patterns and also to mine a sample of discriminative patterns.
See also which can mine a sample of maximal graph patterns, but does not provide any uniformity guarantee.
See also that proposes a Markov Chain Monte Carlo based approach to guarantee a uniform sample of all maximal patterns.
Relevant Publications
- [2009-graphsampling] Mohammad Al Hasan and Mohammed J. Zaki. Output space sampling for graph patterns. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (35th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases), 2(1):730–741, 2009.
./uniform_sampling -d ./dataset/GRAPH_large.dat -c 1000 -s 30
-d = input file (see the dataset directory for input graph format)
-c = maximum iteration
-s = minimum support