This git intends to automate Install testlink on CentOS with Ubuntu 12.04. It's also heavily influenced by Chef-Metasploit.
- Install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
- Clone vagrant-chef-testlink repository to a directory on your host machine.
- Initialize and update git submodules (run git submodule init; git submodule update; in cloned repo directory).
- Change in the directory you clone (sed line) with your local ubuntu official mirror.
- Invoke "vagrant up"
The included Vagrantfile will create a virtual machine and install TestLink. Once the Vagrant guest machine is running TestLink can be accessed at http://localhost:8180/testlink.
Current TestLink installed is 1.9.2. To upgrade TestLink, follow these instructions:
- Copy the new version to {your clone path}/cookbooks/testlink/files/.
- Change {your clone path}/cookbooks/testlink/recipes/default.rb with new version filename (currently it's "testlink-1.9.2").