This repository contains support for Google Protobuf and bindings to GRPC.
The code includes an encoder/decoder for binary Google Protobuf and a code generator that takes Googles protoc definition and can generate Pharo code.
protoc -o tf.pb --include_imports tensorflow/core/framework/graph.proto
| descriptor nameTable generator |
"1. Decode the 'tf.pb' file into a descriptor"
descriptor := GPBFileDescriptorSet
materializeFrom: 'tf.pb' asFileReference binaryReadStream.
"2. Set-up a type/name table and apply a custom prefix to all types"
nameTable := GPBTypeNamesVisitor new.
nameTable customPrefix: 'TF_'.
"3. Set-up the class/type generator and specify the target package for the code"
generator := GPBGeneratingVisitor new
typeNames: nameTable;
targetPackage: 'Tensorflow-Definitions'.
"4. Generate types and code"
descriptor visit: nameTable.
generator visit: descriptor.
TF_GraphDef materializeFrom: 'inception_v3_2016_08_28_frozen.pb' asFileReference binaryReadStream
The repository includes work-in-progress bindings to the gRPC C library. This requires at least Pharo8.0 to include FFI fixes.
| channel queue stub |
"Create a new gRPC channel to a destination."
channel := GrpcChannel newInsecure: 'localhost:50051'.
channel check_connectivity: 1.
"Create a gRPC client stub for the global completionQueue."
queue := GrpcLibrary uniqueInstance completionQueue.
stub := GrpcClientStub initWith: channel queue: queue.
"Make an unary call to 'SayHello' and encode a protobuf on the fly
and wait up to one second for the completion. E.g. start the C++
server on the other side"
stub genericUnaryCall: '/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello' asByteArray param: (GRPC_EX_HLWHelloRequest new name: 'Smalltalk'; materialize) resultClass: GRPC_EX_HLWHelloReply timeout: 1 seconds
This was tested on macOs against v1.19.x of gRPC (4566c2a29ebec0835643b972eb99f4306c4234a3)
installed to /usr/local/lib/libgrpc.dylib
ProtoBuf slots are not properly initialized on load. Fix this by running
PBTypeName allSubclassesDo: #resolveEncodingType
after everything is loaded. -
GrpcLibrary startUp: true
must be called once on start up. This is fixed by having a baseline. -
GrpcLibrary uniqueInstance completionQueue
polls for completion (limiting throughput and adds fixed latency cost). -
Test failure on Linux with v1.27.x of gRPC in the completion queue.
- Create
and load packages and run resolveEncodingType on load. - Enable CI tests on travis-ci/github actions.
- Only
is implemented. - Basic server support is missing.
- Streaming client/server is missing.
- Add completion by calling a block (in addition to the waiting on a semaphore)
- Introspection for the server (which interfaces supported)
- Windows and Linux support
- Remove polling for a plugin..
- Image suspend/resume with outstanding gRPC calls.
- Generate server and client stubs based on the service definition.