This is the first standalone implementation of Mobile Adapter GB!
It's based on Libmobile by REON Team and it's totally free from any kind of sofware. You just need to power the adapter with any power source that's provide 5v (like a power bank, a phone using an OTG, add a battery circuit, etc), and make the first configuration (using any Serial Monitor on PC/Smartphone).
It's possible to connect to any REON project custom server as soon it releases.
Latest Stable Release
Latest Development Release
If you still have questions, ask us here or in the REON Team Discord
Refer to the Wiki page for more details on how to build one according to your setup.
Click on the image to watch the full video
: A Raspberry Pi Pico implementation using an ESP8266 ESP-01 to provide WiFi connectivity (outdated/suspended).picow
: A Raspberry Pi Pico W implementation using the internal WiFi connectivity. (recommended)
- REON Team - Mobile Adapter Library
- mid-kid - Help to structure the 32bits solution
- Lorenzooone - GB Link cable PIO solution and better eeprom save structure
- kabili207 - Better Stacksmashing build options