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ZenScan 🔎

Block Explorer for ZenChain Protocol

How to run

  1. Copy default_settings.json to settings.json.
  2. Update the RPC and API URLs
  3. Update Bech32 address prefixes
  4. Add coins settings
  5. Update Ledger settings


Run in local

meteor npm install --save
meteor --settings settings.json

Run via docker-compose

METEOR_SETTINGS=$(cat settings.json) docker-compose up

Run in production


It will create a packaged Node JS tarball in Linux x86_64 architecture at ../output. Deploy that packaged Node JS project with process manager like PM2 or Phusion Passenger.

You will need to have MongoDB >= 4.x installed and setup environment variables correctly in order run in production. For more details on how to deploy a Meteor application, please refer to the offical documentation on Custom Deployment.

Docker builds

ZenScan docker image is a multi stage build that is based on disney/meteor-base. When you change the meteor or node version, change the lines FROM geoffreybooth/meteor-base:2 and FROM node:12.16.1-alpine respectively. When running the image follow the same environment variable principles mentioned above. If you get an non-zero exit (137) error during the build phase, increase docker container memory and swap limit. Ideally you can set up remote docker host to prevent your computer's fan going brrrrrr.


Blockchain explorer for ZenChain network



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