This is an implementation of the dict data structure in Redis using golang. The implementation uses a hash table to store key-value pairs.
- Efficient key-value lookup and storage
- Support for key and value types of any kind
- Automatic resizing of hash table for optimal performance
The dictionary can be used like any other map in Go:
import "dict"
func main() {
d := dict.New()
d.Store("key", "value")
val, ok := d.Load("key")
if ok {
The dictionary is implemented using a hash table, which provides efficient key-value lookups and storage. The hash table is made up of a series of buckets, each containing a linked list of key-value pairs.
When a key-value pair is added to the dictionary, the key is hashed and the resulting hash value is used to determine the appropriate bucket in the hash table. If the bucket is empty, a new linked list is created and the key-value pair is added to the list. If the bucket already contains a linked list, the key is searched for in the list. If the key is found, the value is updated. If the key is not found, a new node is added to the linked list containing the key-value pair.
To ensure optimal performance, the hash table is automatically resized when it becomes too full. The resizing process involves creating a new, larger hash table and copying all key-value pairs from the old table to the new one.
This code is licensed under the MIT License.
- 高效的键值对查找和存储
- 支持任何类型的键和值
- 自动调整哈希表大小以达到最佳性能
import "dict"
func main() {
d := dict.New()
d.Store("key", "value")
val, ok := d.Load("key")
if ok {