High perfomance big integer library for modern javascript application
npm install --save leemon
yarn add leemon
This code is reincarnation of Big Integer Library created by Leemon Baird in 2000, supported up to 2013
import { one, zero, add, bigInt2str } from 'leemon'
function* fibonacci() {
let a = zero
let b = one
const c = add(a, b)
a = b
b = c
yield bigInt2str(c, 10)
const fib = fibonacci()
for (let i = 0;i<500;i++) fib.next().value
// => '225591516161936330872512695036072072046011324913758190588638866418474627738686883405015987052796968498626'
A bigInt is an array of integers storing the value in chunks of bpe bits, little endian (buff[0] is the least significant word).
Negative bigInts are stored two's complement. Almost all the functions treat bigInts as nonnegative. The few that view them as two's complement say so in their comments.
Some functions assume their parameters have at least one leading zero element.
Functions with an underscore at the end of the name put their answer into one of the arrays passed in, and have unpredictable behavior in case of overflow, so the caller must make sure the arrays are big enough to hold the answer.
But the average user should never have to call any of the underscored functions. Each important underscored function has a wrapper function of the same name without the underscore that takes care of the details for you.
For each underscored function where a parameter is modified, that same variable must not be used as another argument too.
So, you cannot square x by doing multMod_(x,x,n)
. You must use squareMod_(x,n)
instead, or do y=dup(x); multMod_(x,y,n)
Or simply use the multMod(x,x,n)
function without the underscore, where such issues never arise, because non-underscored functions never change their parameters (immutable); they always allocate new memory for the answer that is returned.
- Bool
- findPrimes
- millerRabinInt
- millerRabin
- bitSize
- expand
- randTruePrime
- randProbPrime
- randProbPrimeRounds
- mod
- addInt
- mult
- powMod
- sub
- add
- inverseMod
- multMod
- randTruePrime_
- randBigInt
- randBigInt_
- GCD_
- inverseMod_
- inverseModInt
- eGCD_
- negative
- greaterShift
- greater
- divide_
- carry_
- modInt
- int2bigInt
- str2bigInt
- equalsInt
- equals
- isZero
- bigInt2str
- dup
- copy_
- copyInt_
- addInt_
- rightShift_
- halve_
- leftShift_
- multInt_
- divInt_
- linComb_
- linCombShift_
- addShift_
- subShift_
- sub_
- add_
- mult_
- mod_
- multMod_
- squareMod_
- trim
- powMod_
- mont_
Big Integer Library _ Created 2000 _ Leemon Baird _ www.leemon.com _
Type: (1
| 0
return array of all primes less than integer n
does a single round of Miller-Rabin base b consider x to be a possible prime?
x is a bigInt, and b is an integer, with b<x
Returns (0
| 1
does a single round of Miller-Rabin base b consider x to be a possible prime?
x and b are bigInts with b<x
Returns (0
| 1
returns how many bits long the bigInt is, not counting leading zeros.
Returns number
return a copy of x with at least n elements, adding leading zeros if needed
return a k-bit true random prime using Maurer's algorithm.
return a k-bit random probable prime with probability of error < 2^-80
return a k-bit probable random prime using n rounds of Miller Rabin (after trial division with small primes)
return a new bigInt equal to (x mod n) for bigInts x and n.
return (x+n) where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.
return x*y for bigInts x and y. This is faster when y<x.
return (x**y mod n) where x,y,n are bigInts and ** is exponentiation.
Faster for odd n.
return (x-y) for bigInts x and y
Negative answers will be 2s complement
return (x+y) for bigInts x and y
return (x**(-1) mod n) for bigInts x and n.
If no inverse exists, it returns null
Returns (Array<number> | null)
return (x*y mod n) for bigInts x,y,n.
For greater speed, let y<x.
generate a k-bit true random prime using Maurer's algorithm, and put it into ans.
The bigInt ans must be large enough to hold it.
Returns void
Return an n-bit random BigInt (n>=1). If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.
Set b to an n-bit random BigInt. If s=1, then the most significant of those n bits is set to 1.
Array b must be big enough to hold the result. Must have n>=1
Returns void
Return the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).
set x to the greatest common divisor of bigInts x and y (each with same number of elements).
y is destroyed.
Returns void
do x=x**(-1) mod n, for bigInts x and n.
If no inverse exists, it sets x to zero and returns 0, else it returns 1. The x array must be at least as large as the n array.
Returns (0
| 1
return x**(-1) mod n, for integers x and n.
Return 0 if there is no inverse
Returns number
Given positive bigInts x and y, change the bigints v, a, and b to positive bigInts such that:
v = GCD_(x,y) = a*x-b*y
The bigInts v, a, b, must have exactly as many elements as the larger of x and y.
Returns void
is bigInt x negative?
Returns (1
| 0
is (x << (shift*bpe)) > y?
x and y are nonnegative bigInts shift is a nonnegative integer
Returns (1
| 0
is x > y?
x and y both nonnegative
Returns (1
| 0
divide x by y giving quotient q and remainder r.
q = floor(x/y)
r = x mod y
All 4 are bigints.
- x must have at least one leading zero element.
- y must be nonzero.
- q and r must be arrays that are exactly the same length as x. (Or q can have more).
- Must have x.length >= y.length >= 2.
Returns void
do carries and borrows so each element of the bigInt x fits in bpe bits.
Returns void
return x mod n for bigInt x and integer n.
Returns number
convert the integer t into a bigInt with at least the given number of bits. the returned array stores the bigInt in bpe-bit chunks, little endian (buff[0] is least significant word) Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements.
There will always be at least one leading 0 element.
return the bigInt given a string representation in a given base. Pad the array with leading zeros so that it has at least minSize elements. If base=-1, then it reads in a space-separated list of array elements in decimal.
The array will always have at least one leading zero, unless base=-1.
is bigint x equal to integer y?
y must have less than bpe bits
Returns (1
| 0
are bigints x and y equal?
this works even if x and y are different lengths and have arbitrarily many leading zeros
Returns (1
| 0
is the bigInt x equal to zero?
Returns (1
| 0
Convert a bigInt into a string in a given base, from base 2 up to base 95.
Base -1 prints the contents of the array representing the number.
Returns string
Returns a duplicate of bigInt x
do x=y on bigInts x and y.
x must be an array at least as big as y (not counting the leading zeros in y).
Returns void
do x=y on bigInt x and integer y.
Returns void
do x=x+n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.
x must be large enough to hold the result.
Returns void
right shift bigInt x by n bits.
0 <= n < bpe.
Returns void
do x=floor(|x|/2)*sgn(x) for bigInt x in 2's complement
Returns void
left shift bigInt x by n bits
Returns void
do x=x*n where x is a bigInt and n is an integer.
x must be large enough to hold the result.
Returns void
do x=floor(x/n) for bigInt x and integer n, and return the remainder
Returns number remainder
do the linear combination x=a_x+b_y for bigInts x and y, and integers a and b.
x must be large enough to hold the answer.
Returns void
do the linear combination x=a_x+b_(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integers a, b and ys.
x must be large enough to hold the answer.
Returns void
do x=x+(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integer ys.
x must be large enough to hold the answer.
Returns void
do x=x-(y<<(ys*bpe)) for bigInts x and y, and integer ys
x must be large enough to hold the answer
Returns void
do x=x-y for bigInts x and y
x must be large enough to hold the answer
negative answers will be 2s complement
Returns void
do x=x+y for bigInts x and y
x must be large enough to hold the answer
Returns void
do x=x*y for bigInts x and y.
This is faster when y<x.
Returns void
do x=x mod n for bigInts x and n
Returns void
do x=x*y mod n for bigInts x,y,n.
for greater speed, let y<x.
Returns void
do x=x*x mod n for bigInts x,n.
Returns void
return x with exactly k leading zero elements
do x=x**y mod n
, where x,y,n are bigInts and **
is exponentiation. 0**0=1
this is faster when n is odd.
x usually needs to have as many elements as n.
Returns void
do x=x_y_Ri mod n for bigInts x,y,n, where Ri = 2*_(-kn_bpe) mod n, and kn is the number of elements in the n array, not counting leading zeros.
x array must have at least as many elemnts as the n array It's OK if x and y are the same variable.
must have:
- x,y < n
- n is odd
- np = -(n^(-1)) mod radix
Returns void