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MetEx is a tool to extract and annotate metabolites from liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry data.
Liquid chromatography–high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) is the most popular platform for untargeted metabolomics methods, but annotating LC-HRMS data is a long-standing bottleneck that we are facing since years ago in metabolomics research. A wide variety of methods have been established to deal with the annotation issue. To date, however, there is a scarcity of efficient, systematic, and easy-to-handle tools that are tailored for metabolomics community. So we developed a user-friendly and powerful software/webserver, MetEx, to both enable implementation of classical peak detection-based annotation and a new annotation method based on targeted extraction algorithms. The new annotation method based on targeted extraction algorithms can annotate more than 2 times metabolites than classical peak detection-based annotation method because it reduces the loss of metabolite signal in the data preprocessing process. MetEx is freely available at http://www.metaboex.cn/MetEx and https://sourceforge.net/projects/metex/files/ (webserver and offline standalone program), the source code is available at https://github.com/zhengfj1994/MetEx.
## R package, offline standalone software and web server.MetEx provides three ways to obtain, namely:
- R package https://github.com/zhengfj1994/MetEx
- Offline standalone software https://sourceforge.net/projects/metex/files/
- web server http://www.metaboex.cn/MetEx
We first recommend using offline standalone program.
Please download MetExApp.zip on SourceForge https://sourceforge.net/projects/metex/files/
Please ensure that there is a browser available on your computer, because the MetEx program will be opened in your default browser. We tested Google Chrome browser, Microsoft Edge browser, 360 speed browser, all of which can run MetEx.
There is a file named MetEx.vbs in the unzipped folder. Double-click MetEx.vbs. Please wait patiently. The loading of the operating environment may take about 1 minute.
Then you can see the MetEx is opened in your default browser.
You can see that there are some options to choose from on the left side of the MetEx page, namely Introduction, MetEx (Single file), MetEx (Mutilple), Classic annotation, Other software tools, Database download, Chromatographic systems, Help document, Update. If you want to annotate a mass spectrum file with MetEx, please select MetEx (Single file). If you want to annotate multiple mass spectrum files, and multiple mass spectrum files will eventually be merged into one table, please select MetEx (Mutilple). If you want to annotate compounds based on the results of peak matching, please select Classic annotation.
Below we will introduce MetEx: Use MetEx to annotate a LC-MS file.
On the page of MetEx, you can see that there are some parameters that need to be set. Their meanings and recommended values are as follows:
A database file that meets MetEx's formatting requirements.
The ion mode used for annotation, 'positive' or 'negative'.
Collision energy used for MS/MS acquisition, 'all', 'low', 'medium' or 'high'. Only when the low, medium and high collision energies of the database are 15, 30, 45 eV, the 'low', 'medium' and 'high' options can be used, otherwise, please use the 'all' option.
'Yes' means the tR prediction will be preformed and you should provide an xlsx for tR prediction. 'No' means tR prediction will not be preformed.
a xlsx file, which contain the retention time of internal standards in database and experiment. It should be looked like Figure below.
Figure 5. A xlsx file containing retention times of internal standard which used for retention time calibration
The mzXML file which is transfered from raw LC-MS data (by using MSconvert in proteowizard).
The mgf file which is transfered from raw LC-MS data (by using MSconvert in proteowizard).
The tolerance of MS1 between database and experiment (0.01 Da is recommended for Q-TOF and 0.005 Da is recommended for QE-HF).
the tolerance of retention time between database and experiment. The unit is seconds.
The information entropy threshold, 1.75 - 2 is recommended.
The peak height threshold. 600-270 is recommended for Q-TOF.
The tolerance between MS1 and MS2 in experiment.
The tolerance of MS2 between database and experiment.
The tolerance of tR between MS1 and MS2
The MS2 score threshold (0-1)
The number of CPU cores for parallel computing, it is depend on your computer's CPU and RAM. Users can refer to the following rules: The number of cores for parallel computing < The number of CPU cores of your computer & The number of cores for parallel computing × 4 GB < The RAM of you computer If you don't want to keep only one result for each feature, the above parameters should be selected as No and set a value of the min score which you want to keep.
Click the run button to start running.
Below we will introduce Classic annotation: Annotation from peak detection result.
same with 7.1.1
same with 7.1.2
The peak detection result which is saved in csv file. We provided an example shown in (inst/extdata/peakTable). Two columns named 'mz' and 'rt' are necessary, other columns are not required.
same with
same with
It is slightly different from refers to the retention time range, and refers to the retention time deviation, so 120 s in and 60 s in are equivalent.
same with 7.1.5
same with 7.1.6
same with 7.1.7
Click the run button to start running.
web server http://www.metaboex.cn/MetEx
You can see that web server of MetEx is same with the offline standalone software. The two are almost the same in use, so we won't repeat them here. Please note that the web server resources are limited. Please use offline standalone program as much as possible. If the running capacity of the server is exceeded, an error will be reported.
If you don't have R language, install R first.
>> R download here
Note: We developed MetEx in R 4.10.0. If you find problems when you use other versions, please contact us.
>> The old version of R
We recommended to install Rstudio owing to it is an integrated development environment (IDE) for R.
>> Rstudio download here
Install the R package "devtools" and other reliable packages, then install MetEx using codes below. >>The devtools package
It will take few minutes to download the packages.
If the third step fails to install, users can download the project and install offline as shown below:
Then, in Rstudio, choose Packages —— Install:
Finally, choose install from Package Archive File (.zip; .tar.gz), and select the MetEx package, click install.
Call MetEx to see if the installation was successful.
Enter the following line of code:
shiny::runApp(system.file("extdata/shinyApp", package = "MetEx"))
Then you can run shinyApp in Rstudio.
The main functions and their parameters in MetEx
Integration of the above functions, one line of code can complete the targeted extraction and annotation of metabolites.
- dbFile: the path of the database (xlsx file). e.g. "D:/github/MetEx/Example Data/Database/MSMLS database.xlsx".
- ionMode: the ion mode of the LC-MS, only support two values, positive ion mode is "P" and negative ion mode is "N".
- CE: the collision energy of MS/MS spectrum, it depended on the experimental MS/MS conditions and the CE value in databases. The default is "all".
- tRCalibration: Calibrate retention time (T) or not (F). The default is F.
- is.tR.file: the xlsx file of IS retention times in database and in your experiment. If the tRCalibration is F, this parameter should be set as "NA".
- msRawData: the LC-MS untargeted raw data in the formate of mzXML.
- MS1deltaMZ: the m/z window in targeted extraction.
- MS1deltaTR: the retention time window in targeted extraction.
- trRange: 30
- m: 200
- entroThre: When the classficationMethod is "NoSVM", this parameter is meaningful, The value of information entropy.
- intThre: When the classficationMethod is "NoSVM", this parameter is meaningful, The value of peak height.
- classficationMethod: use the SVM method or not. If you want to use SVM, the value is "SVM", otherwise, the value is "NoSVM". The default value is "NoSVM".
- mgfFile: the file path of mgf files.
- MS1MS2DeltaMZ: the m/z tolerance between MS1 and MS2.
- MS1MS2DeltaTR: the retention time tolerance between MS1 and MS2 (second).
- MS2DeltaMZ: the m/z tolerance between MS2 in database and experiment.
- NeedCleanSpectra: T.
- MS2NoiseRemoval: 0.01
- onlyKeepMax : T
- minScore: 0.5
- KeepNotMatched: T
- MS2scoreFilter: the MS2 score threshold (0-1).
- cores: The CPU cores for parallel computing.
Annotation from peak table.
- peakTable: peak table in specific format.
- mgfFilePath: the file path of mgf files.
- database: the path of the database (xlsx file). e.g. "D:/github/MetEx/Example Data/Database/MSMLS database.xlsx".
- ionMode: the ion mode of the LC-MS, only support two values, positive ion mode is "P" and negative ion mode is "N".
- CE: the collision energy of MS/MS spectrum, it depended on the experimental MS/MS conditions and the CE value in databases. The default is "all".
- tRCalibration: Calibrate retention time (T) or not (F). The default is F.
- is.tR.file: the xlsx file of IS retention times in database and in your experiment. If the tRCalibration is F, this parameter should be set as "NA".
- MS1DeltaMZ: the m/z tolerance.
- MS1DeltaTR: the retention time tolerance.
- MS1MS2DeltaTR: the retention time tolerance between MS1 and MS2 (second).
- MS1MS2DeltaMZ: the m/z tolerance between MS1 and MS2.
- MS2DeltaMZ: the m/z tolerance between MS2 in database and experiment.
- NeedCleanSpectra: T.
- MS2NoiseRemoval: 0.01
- onlyKeepMax : T
- minScore: 0.5
- KeepNotMatched: T
- cores: The CPU cores for parallel computing.
MetEx provide two approaches to annotate metabolites. The first approach is peak-detection-independent method and the second is peak-detection-dependent method. The first approach is newly developed and could avoid the peak loss in conventional peak detection methods.
Peak-detection-independent metabolite annotation method:
Convert the LC-MS raw data to .mzXML and .mgf file using MSConvert (http://proteowizard.sourceforge.net/tools.shtml, provided by ProteoWizard).
We used the built-in data files as examples to shown how to do the annotation. the database is:
system.file("extdata/database", "MetEx_MSMLS.xlsx", package = "MetEx")
The mzXML file is:
system.file("extdata/mzXML", "example.mzXML", package = "MetEx")
The mgf files are:
system.file("extdata/mgf", package = "MetEx")
The codes used the example data above to do annotation is shown below:
library(MetEx) MetExAnnotationRes <- MetExAnnotation(dbFile = system.file("extdata/database", "MetEx_MSMLS.xlsx", package = "MetEx"), ionMode = "P", msRawData = system.file("extdata/mzXML", "example.mzXML", package = "MetEx"), MS1deltaMZ = 0.01, MS1deltaTR = 120, entroThre = 2, intThre = 270, mgfFile = system.file("extdata/mgf", package = "MetEx"), MS1MS2DeltaMZ = 0.01, MS2DeltaMZ = 0.02, MS1MS2DeltaTR = 12, MS2scoreFilter = 0.6) openxlsx::write.xlsx(MetExAnnotationRes, file = "D:/Example-result.xlsx")
Peak-detection-dependent method:
MetEx is focus on targeted extraction and annotation without peak detection. But we consider that the annotation method based on the result of peak detection is still used by many researchers, we also provided the annotation method based on peak detection.
# Without tR calibration library(MetEx) annotationFromPeakTableRes <- ClassicalAnnotation( peakTable = system.file("extdata/peakTable","example.csv", package = "MetEx"), mgfFile = system.file("extdata/mgf","example.mgf", package = "MetEx"), database = system.file("extdata/database","MetEx_MSMLS.xlsx", package = "MetEx"), ionMode = "P", MS1DeltaMZ = 0.01, MS1DeltaTR = 120, MS1MS2DeltaTR = 5, MS1MS2DeltaMZ = 0.01, MS2DeltaMZ = 0.02, cores = 1) openxlsx::write.xlsx(annotationFromPeakTableRes, file = "D:/Example-result.xlsx")
MetEx dependent the following packages, If you find that the installation fails and you are prompted that the following installation package is missing, please manually install the missing packages. stats, openxlsx, tcltk, doSNOW, stringr, xcms, do, XML, progress, shinydashboard, shinycssloaders, shinyjs, ggrepel, DT, dplyr, foreach, jsonlite, snow, tidyr, purrr, rlang, BiocManager, knitr, shiny, ggplot2, RColorBrewer
The database is stored in .xlsx file. And the first row is column names. Column names are specific, and using an irregular column name would make the database unrecognizable. The database should containing these columns:
confidence_level : Compounds with level 1 have accurate mass, experimental tR and experimental MS2 data. Compounds with level 2 have accurate mass, predicted tR and experimental MS2 data. Compounds with level 3 have accurate mass, predicted tR and predicted MS2 data.
ID: The compound ID in database
Name: the compound name.
ExactMass: MW
ionMode : the ion mode of LC-MS, positive ion mode is P and negative ion mode is N.
m/z: the accurate mass in LC-MS
tr: the retention time (in second)
CE: collision energy.
MSMS: the MS/MS spectrum. The ion and its intensity are separated by a space (" "), and the ion and the ion are separated by a semicolon (";"). For example: 428.036305927272 0.0201115093588212;524.057195188813 0.0699256604274525;542.065116124274 0.148347272003186;664.112740221342 1 is the abbreviate of MS/MS spectrum below:
m/z intensity 428.036305927272 0.0201115093588212 524.057195188813 0.0699256604274525 542.065116124274 0.148347272003186 664.112740221342 1 -
Instrument_type: for example, Q-TOF.
Instrument: for example, AB 5600 +
Other information is not mandatory, and users can add it as they see fit. We have gave an example of database in data.
OSI-SMMS: Our in-house database, containing ~2000 metabolites in positive or negative ion modes.
MSMLS: Acquired by Mass Spectrometry Metabolite Library (MSMLS) supplied by IROA Technologies. containing ~300 metabolites.
MoNA: Download from MoNA and transfer it to the format used for MetEx. The retention time is predicted.
And we provided the method to transfer the MoNA database (saved in MSP) to the format used for MetEx:
library(MetEx) library(openxlsx) mspData <- readMsp(file = "D:/MoNA-export-All_Spectra.msp") # The file path should change to yours. mspDataframe <- exactMsp(mspData) write.xlsx(mspDataframe, file = "D:/MoNA used for MetEx.xlsx") # The file path should change to yours.
The retention time prediction method can be seen in the Part of Retention time prediction.
KEGG: Download from KEGG and transfer it to the format used for MetEx. The retention time and MS/MS spectrum are predicted.
The retention time prediction method can be seen in the Part of Retention time prediction.
The MS/MS spectrum prediction method can be seen in the Part of MS/MS spectrum prediction.
Other databases(Constantly updating ... ...)
User-defined database: All users can defined their own database by our database format. And we will add more database in MetEx.
GNN-RT (https://github.com/Qiong-Yang/GNNRT) was used for retention time prediction in multiple chromatographic systems.
Fujian Zheng [email protected] or [email protected]
The first version
Fixed bugs
Run faster
Using Spectral entropy to calculate MS2 similarity
Relaunch MetEx data processing options of multiple files.
- Update the MS1 and tr matching method.
- parallel computing
- More databases